Local Girl Makes Fool of Self

February 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Steeple People

As most of you know, Juanita has been following the semi-tragic and nearly horrible victimization of Hannah Giles, the chick who played a hooker in the ACORN sting.  Hannah is the granddaughter of Fort Bend County’s own head busybody, State Republican Executive Committee Member and self-righteous harpy, Terese Raia.

“This has been better than fifty yard line seats at the Cotton Bowl,” Juanita grins.  “After prancing Miss Giles all over the county and Jesusfying her to everyone in shouting distance, it now appears that Miss Giles ain’t exactly what she pretended to be – the courageous little college student who went after the bad guys.”

“She’s opened a Victim Shop and gone into the lucrative business of being a perpetual injured party,” Juanita hoots.

Giles’s fundraising appeal, printed on pink paper and decorated with stars in what is supposed to look like purple marker, portrays her looming legal fights as nothing less than an epic battle between good and evil. Warning that her “ordeal is far from over” — “I fear it’s just the beginning,” she writes (emphasis hers) — Giles says that ACORN has no choice but to “make an example” of her.

“Victim, my patootie!  I guess Hannah never got taught that if you throw the first punch, somebody might respond with the second 7 punches.  And now Hannah is using false pretenses to separate people from their money.  She’s a televangelist, except with less morals,” Juanita says while pouring a cup of coffee.  “Don’t that just jar your preserves?”

By the way, Juanita discovered that Hanna’s daddy has a radio show.  It’s based on Jesus with an AK47.  It’ll make you throw up a little in your mouth.

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