Liz, Liz, Go Fish is a Children’s Game

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that the entitled Miss Liz Cheney took a couple of shortcuts in getting her Wyoming fishing license.

In trying to make it look like she really does live in Wyoming and isn’t just there to go back to Washington, DeeCee with her bona fides still fresh with her father’s fingerprints, Miss Cheney may have lied on her permit to fish.

Senate candidate Liz Cheney improperly received a state resident fishing license based on an application with incorrect information, according to Wyoming Game and Fish Department records.

Cheney, who last month announced she will challenge Sen. Mike Enzi in the 2014 Republican primary, received her resident license just 72 days after closing on her Wilson house in May 2012. State law requires residents live in the state 365 consecutive days before they can receive a resident hunting or fishing license, which are cheaper than out-of-state licenses.

Cheney’s application also lists her as a 10-year resident of Wyoming.

If she did lie on the application, that’s a misdemeanor and carries a $220 fine.  You know, what she pays for lunch.

Look, here’s the way I see it.  Princess Leia was also the daughter of an evil Darth villain, but do you believe for one minute that she would lie on her fishing license?  Of course not.  Leia would have said, “Yeah, I’m a carpetbagger.  They blew up Alderaan but we draw the line at Idaho and I can make that happen.”

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Liz, Liz, Go Fish is a Children’s Game”

  1. does she go fishing the way her daddy goes hunting?

  2. OldMayfly says:

    It is unconstitutional for both president and vice-president to be from the same state. Both W. and Cheney were residents of Texas, but Cheney claimed he was a resident of Wyoming.

    Cheney was born in Wyoming and grew up with good middle-class advantages thanks to FDR’s New Deal. Then he enriched himself by squeezing the same folks FDR tried to help.

  3. The entire family is in on getting Little Liz elected out where they have friends in high places. So, in Cheney-Speak, this little glitch was all due to the incompetence of a Fish & Wildlife clerk. You know the routine ~ kick the little gal in the office, who no one knows. Unfortunately for Little Liz, THAT assumption is gonna pi** off a few ladies on the bowling leagues who will sign up to volunteer for Sen. Enzi’s re-election.

    As for a Cheney-Fix MO ~ how Daddy Cheney might advise his Little Liz in the fine art of how to fix stupid is spelled out in this segment on Cheney by PBS/Frontline:
    “Dick Cheney’s Memos from 30 Years Ago”

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Oh, Liz Cheney is fishing for something alright, but actual fish are not on that list.

  5. The lemon doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  6. Actually, Dick Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska and liven in Sumner, Neb. until his family move to Wyoming where he went to high school. Dick was obviously smart – got into Yale, but flunked out. A party boy, he was busted for DUI at age 21 & again at age 22. Guess he decided he’d better shape up, so he returned to Wyoming, got his degree & married his H.S. sweetheart. He is definitely one of those men who needed a strong wife to help with the discipline.

  7. mike from iowa says:

    What’s the Liz short for-Lizard?

  8. mike from iowa says:

    In Cheney’s family,his lesbian daughter would be considered the straight one. Following in daddy’s hoofprints Liz is gonna be as crooked as Dick.

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    Old Mayfly, Chaney’s conduct is similar to that of Greg Abbott, the Texas Attorney General who wants to be governor. Abbott sued and collected for injury caused by a wind blown tree falling on him but has helped close the courthouse to other injured Texans.

  10. Who says it is unconstitutional they be from the same state? Please give me a citation. I’m not able to find it.

  11. The Constitution says that electors in the Electoral College cannot vote for two people from the same state. If they vote for someone for President from Texas, they cannot vote for someone from Texas for Vice-President. In a two-person race, that makes it impossible, not illegal. With more than two people in the races, it would be theoretically possible, but unlikely, for two people from the same state to win.
    If the EC were abolished, of course, this restriction would go away.

  12. It sounds as though Cheney is at fault here, but I can’t help wonder if her outing has anything to do with Enzi having friends in state places.

  13. mike from iowa says:

    Actually the 12th amendment basically says if both Potus and veep are from the same state,the electors of that state can’t vote for both.(electoral college) This article kinda explainms it.

  14. mike from iowa says:

    Lynn-Enzi has failed at least three times to pay property taxes(in a timely manner) in Wyoming since he became senator. The story out of Wyoming included a picture of Cheney with a trout caught in Idaho. Did she have an Idaho license? No one seems to know. Just like other pols she is blaming the clerk she got the license from for the misunderstanding. That clerk no longer works there.

  15. Old Miemaw and Origuy, Article II, Section 1, only states that “The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves.” That means that the electors of the state in which the President/VP candidates live cannot vote for both if they are from the same state, but electors from every other state can. In a big state like Texas, that might make a difference (and is why Cheney changed his residency back to Wyoming when running with Bush). Amendment 12 clarifies this, but essentially says the same thing.

    I learned something new today. Thanks folks!

  16. Sorry SusanF, I should have looked it up. I misremembered.

    The best comment I’ve seen on Mme. Cheney, from commenter Shakezula at Balloon Juice:

    “Daddy, I want an Oompaloompa. And a U.S. Senate seat!”

  17. mike from iowa says:

    Clarification,if potus and veep candidates on the same ticket are from the same state,the electors can only vote for one of those two.

  18. I would not underestimate Liz Cheney, an attorney & mother, nor the power of Dick & Lynne Cheney’s close friends from high school days in Wyoming, who will make this little glitch simply go away. She is smart & persistent like both Lynne & Dick.

    Liz is running in Wyoming, not because Enis (69) has been in the Senate 18 years, but because she is being groomed for a bigger role – that of POTUS – all in due time.

    The Cheney family is close to energy and defense industry leaders, including founder of Blackwater.

    They are closely connected within the Council for National Policy, a secretive conservative organization heavily funded by billionaires all over the USA, including Sun Myung Moon, owner of the Washington Times. The CNP puts up huge sums to back certain conservative candidates. If they want to replace someone in the Senate with one of their own kind, they will.

    So, I don’t find Little Liz running against Senator Enis, who has 18 yr. seniority, funny at all. I had hopes her motherhood role was far too satisfying. Silly me!

  19. POTUS? Really? Her “pool” is way too small. She has never had the experience and the resulting exposure that Hillary has. Unless daddy can buy the entire American electorate for her, this is a whale of a no-go . . . and so intensely amusingly delusional!!!!
