Liz, Liz, Go Fish is a Children’s Game

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that the entitled Miss Liz Cheney took a couple of shortcuts in getting her Wyoming fishing license.

In trying to make it look like she really does live in Wyoming and isn’t just there to go back to Washington, DeeCee with her bona fides still fresh with her father’s fingerprints, Miss Cheney may have lied on her permit to fish.

Senate candidate Liz Cheney improperly received a state resident fishing license based on an application with incorrect information, according to Wyoming Game and Fish Department records.

Cheney, who last month announced she will challenge Sen. Mike Enzi in the 2014 Republican primary, received her resident license just 72 days after closing on her Wilson house in May 2012. State law requires residents live in the state 365 consecutive days before they can receive a resident hunting or fishing license, which are cheaper than out-of-state licenses.

Cheney’s application also lists her as a 10-year resident of Wyoming.

If she did lie on the application, that’s a misdemeanor and carries a $220 fine.  You know, what she pays for lunch.

Look, here’s the way I see it.  Princess Leia was also the daughter of an evil Darth villain, but do you believe for one minute that she would lie on her fishing license?  Of course not.  Leia would have said, “Yeah, I’m a carpetbagger.  They blew up Alderaan but we draw the line at Idaho and I can make that happen.”

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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