Living Proof That Texas Has Not Cornered the Market on Crazy

November 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Annette Bosworth is running for Senate in South Dakota.

I’d give a shiny nickel to see her shoot the Bible.

 Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Living Proof That Texas Has Not Cornered the Market on Crazy”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Ms Juanita-I dare you to check this out and scroll down to the article below her campaig-FEC report. Go ahead,I double dare you.

  2. W. C. Peterson says:

    Although I was raised in Sioux Falls, I escaped to join the Navy during the Viet Nam conflict and ended up in Maryland. I haven’t been to South Dakota since, and I don’t think there is much reason to visit, judging from the behavior of idiots like Ms. Bosworth. A doctorate, yet. I wonder what in. . .

  3. She’d probably miss and hit the camera man.

  4. Another entry in the growing list of states I swear never to visit.

  5. Where does the GOP dig up all these lunatic doctors?

  6. There’s going to come a point where they will just stand there and be filmed while frothing at the mouth, handling snakes, and speaking in tongues. We are almost there.

  7. Claude E Welch says:

    The fact that politicians pander to the electorate, as did Dr. Bosworth, says more about the electorate than the politicians.

  8. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    LOL Cheryl.

    Is she trying to win the prize for who can lower the bar the most? It’s the RWNJ version of limbo.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    I just read where 50 poisonous snakes were removed from a church and I believe it was in Texas. Hopefully the snakes got their own lobbyist.

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Shoot, the dang video won’t play for me. I got one glimpse of a woman holding what looked like a firearm and a book.

  11. charles r phillips says:

    I need a drink. Maybe that will wash that sociopathic display from my brain.

    Better make that a triple, and keep ’em coming!

  12. Elizabeth says:

    She employed a medical assistant who wasn’t properly licensed, but a result of that investigation was “Part of Bosworth’s agreement with the board at that time was to seek treatment for a mental illness in order to continue her practice.”

    Oh, yeah, she’s fully qualified to be a right wingnut.

  13. Elizabeth, that’s pretty much it. She introduces herself, says she’s running for the Senate, and thinks that two things aren’t taught in schools but should be: gun safety (holds up gun) and values (holds up Bible). She hopes she can count on our support.

    Don’t know what she means by values. Maybe getting your father drunk and having sex with him; that’s in there.

  14. I think Ohio is seriously in the running for ‘Crazy State’. This ad has been playing on the local channel:
    I’m an atheist: but if there was a god, I really don’t think he’d like being lumped in with guns, deer and cheap cars.
    [And he topped Ms. Bosworth: she only has god and a gun; Steve’s got bucks and cars too!]

  15. Marge Wood says:

    I think everyone is going to need mental health treatment if we don’t get some things straightened out in the USA. I didn’t agree with that lady’s campaign speech but I’ve seen stranger folks elected to Congress. What do you suppose she did, other than hiring a non-licensed PA, to make them think she was mentally ill?
    Bless her heart. And hope her patients can find another doctor.

  16. Elizabeth says:

    I dunno. Maybe acted crazed in the meeting? Maybe tried to preach to them? Something…..

  17. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Additional article
    She sounds kinda fishy to me.

  18. After seeing her picture in the article linked by Hippie in the Holler:

    She’s got Michele Bachmann eyes!

  19. Thanks, Origuy. Now I’m going to have “Bette Davis Eyes” stuck in my head, and if I’m lucky I can get Bachmann’s image to not go with it. I don’t want to think about either of these loons long enough to come up with new lyrics.

  20. She is afforded for mental health care!

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Immoral Minority has a photo of Bosworth with Snowdrift Snookie.(July 26) She has been photoed with Cruz and King of Iowa(see first post above) and she was diagnosed with a personality disorder. What could possibly go wrong?

  22. She had Steve King, and Ted Cruz up for a visit. Had her picture taken with them and everything.

    Campaigning by website.

    Either everybody in South Dakota has internet access, or she’s just after the votes of people who do. Thing is, if they have internet access they have access to information, other than that posted on her web page. You gotta hope they know better than to vote for her.

    Well… you can always hope.

  23. e platypus onion–I took your dare but couldn’t bring myself to play the video. I was so comforted to see that she appears to be armed for 1945–in a video her husband filmed. Think they’re both certifiable?

  24. UmptyDump says:

    This has the makings of a movie setting in the Upper Midwest that would be weirder than Fargo. A Minnesota politician-attorney named Bachmann clones herself into a South Dakota politician-doctor named Bosworth.

  25. e platypus onion says:

    djw-the video is the same that JJ posted. Her husband filmed both of them. According to reports,Doc buys likes for her facebook page from dealers on the internet. Absolutely hilarious. She seems like a decent person until yousee who he mentors are-teabaggers through and through.

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Listen guys, the Tea Baggers are afraid of us, thanks to the Koch brothers. Who we ought to be working on is NOT LETTING CANDIDATES FUNDED BY THE KOCH BROTHERS, WIN. But just don’t let me get started. Good news: North Carolina’s Koch-funded stuff got everyone so riled that they voted the other way. Just go google KOCH BROTHERS AND NORTH CAROLINA. I just googled KOCH BROTHERS AND SOUTH DAKOTA. Have fun. Then find ways to try to get GOPs to work with you, like sweetly ask them to help your b’in law get a job, etc etc. It will help them feel like maybe you are worth their time of day.

  27. Like Rand Paul she seems to think that lisences are for sissies and that she should not have to answer questions about her mental health or her drug use when applying for a lisence to practice medicine in her state. That seems to have been the crux of the earlier complaint.

  28. donquijoterocket says:

    @ W C Peterson- Maryland, all things considered is a much better place than a friend of mine who enlisted in the Navy thinking to avoid the draft and a likely infantry assignment ended up in the brown water navy.He made it home to the state just south of yours minus a lower leg.Unfortunately South Dakota does not have a monopoly on these sorts of fruitcakes. That whole stretch of central plains states can claim any number of them. a goodly number of who run for offices higher or lower.Look at the state just north of this one, or Kansas, or Oklahoma for that matter.
