Listen up, y’all: Kasich has Something to Say.

May 04, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Hey!  A rare Kasich sighting in C-bus!  It’s to make a big announcement.  Lucky for us, we’d forgotten what our Governor looks like.  Not much luck left there for either him or us.

My guess is, he’s NOT going to select Carly Fiorina as his running mate.

Johnny, we hardly knew ye!  Perhaps that’s why you lost.  Or maybe that’s why you got this far at all!  Either way, from here on out for the GOP, it’s Trump all the way down.


He’s been talking for a half-hour and he still hasn’t actually quit.  And, slipstream, I’ve forgotten his name just since he started talking. 😉

Good ol' Whatsisname!

Good ol’ Whatsisname!

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