Listen Up! This is Important.

June 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’d pondered on something today, but I didn’t want to say anything about it until I checked with a  real writ twit.   You know, like Bubba.  I am not a lawyer and I am not even allowed to play one within the confines of my own home.  However, in an odd twist of fate, physics, and really great shiny sandals, I was right about my ponders.

Brothers and Sisters, if we allow the harpies on the rightwing to frame the Affordable Care Act as a “tax,” then shame on us.  Shame, shame on us.

The Supreme Court most certainly did NOT call it a tax.  They called it a penalty, which America is  allowed to levy under our taxing authority.  They never, even once, called it tax.  It is only a tax in the same way that a speeding ticket is a tax.  Or a fine for a DUI is a tax.  Or restitution to poor widow ladies who you cheat out of their savings is a tax.

It is a penalty for not accepting personal responsibility and expecting the rest of us to pay for your health care.   It is a penalty for not caring about your fellow Americans who have pre-exisiting conditions.  It is a penalty for not acting like the Christian you call yourself.  It is a penalty for not giving a hoot when seniors fall into the donut hole and can’t pay for their medicine. It is a penalty for not loving America and Americans.

It only affects about 1 – 2% of all Americans.  Hell, the ebola virus is more prevalent than that.

Do NOT let them call it a tax.  Nobody but Fox News thinks it’s a tax, but it is spreading to other networks tonight.

Stop it!

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