Lining Up At The Grandstanding Opening

November 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the Texas Lege opens next month and nobody in Texas is safe while they are in session, especially women, children, minorities, the poor, the handicapped, the gay, the elderly, or the lame.  The only safe people are white men and their right to be total jerks just because they can be.

Allow me to introduce to you State Rep Dan Flynn.  Dan’s got 99 problems but the one that matters is that there are not enough of the Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms.

House Bill 51 would modify the Texas Education Code, specifying that “the board of trustees of an independent school district may not prohibit the posting of a copy of the Ten Commandments in a prominent location in a district classroom.”

I don’t know what he means by prominent.

Now, I haven’t heard any big uproar over the Ten Commandments being in classrooms one way or the other, but I am going to ask my State Rep to add an amendment to HB51 saying that if the Ten Commandments are posted, so must be a picture of the President of the United Damn States of America.

That’ll end that right there.

I do not know if you are aware of this, but in 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that Texas could put the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the State Capitol but the also struck down the posting of the commandments in county courthouses in Kentucky.  That  means that even the Supreme Court acknowledges that the best of the Texas Lege needs divine guidance in their behavior more than  the worst judge in Kentucky.   Sad, ain’t it?

Thanks to Mary for the heads up.

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