Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh.
Limbaugh is shaken, not stirred.
For you hooter toters without eyes, I guess I need to tell you that Idris Elba is one fine lookin’ hunk of flesh. We’re talking gorgeous. And, honey, he wears his pants so tight that I can’t breathe.
It has been suggested that Elba should be the next James Bond. You know, in the movies. Where it’s fiction. You know, made up.
But, holy cow, Rush Limbaugh is not going easily into that goodnight of the white male, bygawd. Rush says that cannot happen.
Limbaugh argued during his show on Tuesday that Elba shouldn’t be cast as Bond because he’s a “black Briton” and the MI-6 protagonist was conceived as a white man from Scotland.
Shuddup, you wasted old fart white guy. Just shuddup.
James Bond takes off his shirt at least once in every movie. I will pay money to see that.
Limbaugh admits …
I know it’s racist to probably point this out.
Racist, yes, of course. But it’s also bad grammar and really, really insane.
Really insane.