Like Being Called Ugly By a Bullfrog

February 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A Florida congressman called Texas a bad name.

Can you imagine?

During a hearing where Republicans were once again trying to overturn Obamacare, Florida Democrat Alcee Hastings let it fly.

220px-Alcee_Hastings_Portrait_c111-112th_CongressFlorida Rep. Alcee Hastings, who called Texas “a crazy state” during a Rules Committee hearing Monday a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, a member of the committee, was testifying for the bill at the time. Another Texas Republican, Dallas Rep. Pete Sessions, chairs the committee.

“And I mean that just as I said it,” Hastings said. “I told you what I think about Texas. I wouldn’t live there for all the tea in China and that’s how I feel.”

Texas congressional Republicans are demanding an apology. Yeah, they demand an apology but not healthcare.  So, what I’m saying here is that Congressman Hasting’s criticism is not undeserved.  Our Republican congressional delegation is joyfully free of the constraints of mental health guidelines.

Sorry, Alcee, but Florida is not without a few “Holy cow!  Look what he’s doing!” events.  Florida and Texas could join together and form the Confederacy of Dunces.

And that’s how I feel.

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