“Lies” have been Redefined as “Embellishments”

December 28, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Lie, The Big Lie

Newly-elected congressional representative George Santos is a lying sack of shit.  There’s no other way to say it. He’s lied so much about his background that it’s probably easier to find what he didn’t lie about, but here’s what we know he did lie about – his family, ethnic background, his family in the Holocaust, his religion, his education, his work history, his business (it doesn’t exist), his finances, his residential status, and his sexual orientation.  He doesn’t even live in the district where he got elected.  During his interview on Fox Noise, Santos admitted to all of his lies and making excuses for his lies like “I didn’t say I was a Jew, I said I was Jew-ish,” whatever that means.  The Noise Machine, including him, have started calling these easily disprovable lies “embellishments”, as if embellishments were Okey Dokey.  And apparently to the RNC, it is.

The response from Kevin McCarthy and the RNC about their latest shitbag making the headlines? Crickets. Based on the deafening silence from the party, there is zero doubt that McCarthy is going to seat this guy in Congress and let him get away with massive lying.  It’s no surprise that’s going to happen, because power is more important than legality or democracy, but it just confirms yet again that the GOP is now the GLP (Grand Liars Party).

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

0 Comments to ““Lies” have been Redefined as “Embellishments””

  1. Preach it, Jefe.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    Yep. IOKIYAR–It’s OK If You’re A Republican.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Let’s see- his hero is trumpf, he believes in and is obsessed with the big lie. What’s to be surprised about? No surprise he was elected because repugnantican voters bought in to what he was selling in his campaign. Also no surprise mccarthy says nothing. Look at the congress critters he’s surrounded by and is ok with. It’s easy to be a repugnantican politician because honesty and accountability do not matter.

  4. Yes, it’s another liar and likely criminal the GOP will be happily including as part of their caucus, but whenever the next election happens – 2024, or the slight chance of a new election to seat a replacement earlier than that – can we make sure that this guy’s opponent isn’t eligible? Any campaign inept enough to miss such obvious lies and bring them up prior to the election is not one we need to see repeated.

  5. If he were taking a true-false test in grade school and got that much wrong he would fail.
    In Congress? Probably get on a committee or two.

  6. I just remembered I have a PhD from Harvard.

  7. Santos is dangerous man. All we know is that he’s a liar. I read Santos took contributions for his election from the Russians. Could he be Russian plant? How could a man like this be trusted with the top secret documents of this country?

    There needs to be a unified system for vetting all candidates for federal elected offices before they run and a way to terminate them or disqualify them from office if they have lied.

    If your resume information is fake, for a civilian job, you are either not hired, or would have been fired soon after it was discovered. Nope, no one would keep you around for two years to six years.

  8. Vickie,

    Congratulations on such a great achievement of PhD (Pile higher and Deeper). In honor of that, I’m sure you make really wise investments and would so want to invest in some NFT’s I have customized for Harvard Graduates to help display your prestige…

  9. Birth certificate?
    Unfortunately, by law, he must be sworn in. After that it is up to the House to act. Don’t know how he could hold a security clearance.

  10. Someone from outside The Hill, someone with obvious and successful clout should start a fraud charge on this guy and since McCarthy et all insist on enabling the fraud charge them as well.

  11. “Newly elected Congressman George Santos said “I’ve been to Moscow many times”


    Looks like Putin bought himself another congressman.


  12. slipstream says:

    Lying: it’s what they do.

  13. McCarthy needs his vote, so this miserable excuse for human will be seated. It’s as simple as that.

    @Vickie: So many people lie about having degrees from Harvard that they have a full-time staff to verify such claims.

  14. Robert F McClellan says:

    I bought a Russian advent calendar. Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out.

  15. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Someone needs to demand his birth certificate or naturalization records.


  16. WA Skeptic says:

    There is no law against a politician telling lies. If there were, we
    would have an entirely different bunch of politicians.

    As it is, we know he’s a liar, so we can hopefully put up some barriers. All he has to do is walk in the door and they have to pay him; maybe that’s all he’ll be there for.

  17. Grandma Ada says:

    It really doesn’t matter – they are all in it for themselves. Ted Cruz really did go to Princeton and Harvard and he’s a big liar too!

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He could be criminally liable for wire fraud by lying when soliciting donors, but how many times did TFFG and his handlers do that? Many.

  19. The Surly Professor says:

    Vikie, I’m sure BarbinDC is referring to Santos and similar Santoids, not you. So don’t take that as an attack.

    As for the Santos himself, McCarthy will suitably deal with him … by putting him on the House Ethics Committe. If not appointed to chair it.

  20. Poor George—if that is truly his name. . . . When you have space laser Marge supporting you—-you must be a pretty heinous individual.

  21. So. Was his marriage a sham to attain citizenship?

  22. Virginia@21,

    Santos is a criminal in Brazil and left to avoid arrest. So could he be extradited back to Brazil?

  23. Fox lies as well .

  24. “In law, fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Fraud can violate civil law (e.g., a fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud or recover monetary compensation) or criminal law (e.g., a fraud perpetrator may be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities), or it may cause no loss of money, property, or legal right but still be an element of another civil or criminal wrong.[1] The purpose of fraud may be monetary gain or other benefits, for example by obtaining a passport, travel document, or driver’s license, or mortgage fraud, where the perpetrator may attempt to qualify for a mortgage by way of false statements.[2] ”


    Lock them up!

  25. He becomes more fraudulent as each passing day oozes out more GQP slime. Even scammed the family church at his mom’s funeral service [the actual one, he’s claimed several different dates, like ‘911’…].
    A shining example of today’s Repuglikans, GLPs.

    Now there’s a DA looking for prosecutable charges, should be one of the easiest yet; now somebody please nail the ‘King of Fraud’ TFFG’s pasty ass to the wall… :

    “Fabulist George Santos’s manufactured history gets even more bizarre and scummy”:

  26. Nick Carraway says:

    Can one vote on legislation from prison?

  27. Jane & PKM says:

    Are George’s immigration documents as readily unavailable as Messy Drumpfs? If not, maybe the Bozo from Brazil is eligible for deportation. Just when we thought Herschel Walker was the worst candidate the GOP could run, this moron appears.

    Jane does wonderful pro bono work for excellent candidates for citizenship. Any lawyers at the WMDBS working on stripping the Murdoch clan and other underserving formerly known as GOP Qcumber Nazis?

  28. Harry Eagar says:

    Remember, no matter how bad Santos is, Scott Des Jarlais is worse, and the Republicans have happily accepted him in Congress for 10 years.

  29. Aphorism: Liars lie about lying, and then lie about lying about lying.

  30. according to this article
    GS uses a rolodex in 2022, how quaint is that?
    Does that brokering activity sound a little bit like it could lead to money-laundering? Not an accusation.

  31. Santurd didn't know my Gramma says:

    My maternal grandmother, a wise and respected farm wife in central Texas, used to pass on wise advice. One such was “it’s easy to lie, it’s remembering what your lie was when you tell the next lie that is hard on you”. Obviously, the CongressCritter Elect didn’t know my Gramma.

  32. The Surly Professor says:

    Papa: “There needs to be a unified system for vetting all candidates for federal elected offices before they run and a way to terminate them or disqualify them from office if they have lied.”

    I’d be really reluctant to back that; think about how it would work if the Republicans control the vetting system. You can bet that they’d have Biden out of office “because of The Laptop”. While most of us here at the Salon would see it as a chance to provide more info about candidates, the Screaming Monkey Squad would treat it as a way to block any progressives or Democrats.

    What is amazing here is that the Long Island Democrats did not do any research into this guy when he won the nomination. Or was it done but no major media was interested in it? If the free weekly shopper’s guide at Piggly Wiggly was the only journal that would print an article about his lies, it would not get much traction.
