Lichtman Prediction Is Out!

September 09, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Down at The Salon this morning, Juanita Jean challenged her customers to listen to Dr. Allan Lichtman’s Presidential Prediction video. So I did, and you can as well.

See it before The Debate tomorrow. Or after. It doesn’t matter. Lichtman’s prediction is based on his 13 keys model, and not ONE of them entails how a given presidential candidate does at a televised debate.

There, I said it. The debate won’t turn a page. It is, as advertised by websites with phone numbers that charge $3.99 per minute, “For Entertainment Purposes Only.”

On the other hand, I just had to find out which one of the past 10 presidential elections did Lichtman get wrong? So I looked it up.

Al Gore. He got it wrong with Al Gore.

Lichtman got that one wrong because one of his keys doesn’t take into account a 5-4 Supreme Court decision that overturns an election.

Do better, Allan.

0 Comments to “Lichtman Prediction Is Out!”

  1. Don’t keep us in suspense! (Those of us who don’t want to listen to the video, that is)

  2. Her initials are “KH.”

  3. Allan Lichtman may get this one wrong too. He’s predicted that Harris/Walz will win.
    But the corrupt SCOTUS just might do a 6-3 election turnover this time…

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Hope he’s right and Sandridge is wrong. I also hope the hammer comes down on trumpf criming after the election.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I liked this video. Imagine trumpf in a similar situation trying to relate to real people outside his cult. I think Dr Lichtman was wrong on the point about candidate charisma. Kamala has it- just ask the people in this video. Trumpf just has dementia.
    Sandridge, fyi, I remembered your tip:

    Believe this is the spice shop Kamala was criticized for visiting by some weird repugnantican. ???

  6. How does he figure in the electoral college? Clinton won the popular vote, but the EC found in favor for Trump.

  7. Just mentioning an important news item:
    Y’all remember the I-35 driving incident when a bunch of MAGAots vehicularly attacked a Democratic campaign bus traveling between San Antonio and Austin?

    A civil trial against (only) six of the attackers (AKA- “domestic terrorists “) has begun in a San Antonio court. There were actually dozens of them who attacked the bus, too f’ing bad that all haven’t been charged.
    And as far as the terrorist defendants denying ‘conspiracy’ charges, in my county a few counties away, the local proto-MAGAots were openly bragging about how some of them had been part of the operation (even describing it in LTEs in the local RW rag).

  8. Sandridge, the ‘basket’ overflows.

  9. Fenway Fran @8, not sure what you mean, please explain.

    And I should have mentioned that the MAGAots didn’t just attack the Democratic bus, there were also a number of Democrats in personal vehicles accompanying the bus who were also attacked.
    But this lawsuit has been limited to just six who went after the bus, despite there being many videos showing many more of them, who haven’t been prosecuted yet.
    And the argument was made that it’s a Texas state affair, not a federal issue; which I just can’t accept.
