Let’s Pretend That I Am An Evil Jackbooted Thug With The NSA And I Have Hacking Skills

August 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Boy Howdy, can I make the worst nightmare of NRA members come true.

How The NRA Built A Massive Secret Database Of Gun Owners

While the National Rifle Association publicly fights against a national gun registry, the organization has gone to incredible lengths to compile information on “tens of millions” of gun owners — without their consent.

So, the NRA, who spends every day fretting over the government getting a registry of guns, has a registry of … damn.  That’s pretty weird.

That database has been built through years of acquiring gun permit registration lists from state and county offices, gathering names of new owners from the thousands of gun-safety classes taught by NRA-certified instructors and by buying lists of attendees of gun shows, subscribers to gun magazines, and more, BuzzFeed has learned.

You know how they say that anything is for sale?  That list is surely for sale.

Hoisting with petards, are we?

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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