Let’s PLAY Debate Bingo!

September 10, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Hey Kids!

Let’s have some fun today and play Debate Bingo!

It’s FREE!

Since the debate tonight isn’t going to actually affect the election at all, we can at least have some giggles watching it. The Salon has lovingly stolen these 4 Bingo cards from some website or other and is providing them to use for tonight’s Presidential Debate. 

It’s Easy! All you have to do to play is download and print the four Bingo card images you see below, get four Sharpies (the preferred tool to sign checks to porn actresses and alter hurricane tracking maps), pop the popcorn and uncork that bottle of cab that you’ve been saving (or drop a couple of “funny gummies” if it’s legal – or nearly so).

When you hear Harris or TFG say something that’s shown in one of the squares, take your  Sharpie and mark the square. Five in a row, column or diagonally and YOU WIN! 

What you win is strictly up to you and your friends, but I suggest a buy-in of at least a Hamilton. Toney players might want to bump it up a bit and pitch in a Franklin each, but that’s your call.


Where to watch? Apparently any channel you want except for QVC – they have marcasite rings to sell.


0 Comments to “Let’s PLAY Debate Bingo!”

  1. Haha let the word salad begin! Oh no I need to get another set of cards! My original bingo card has Covfefe, Obama’s crowd size, Everybody says, Adderall sniffles, Liar, Convicted criminal, rapist, Don’t ever call me dumb, Grab em, Liar …

  2. What, no Hannibal Lecter?

  3. @Texas #2 –

    No shark, windmill, boat or electric, either!

    Thanks for the giggle!

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not sure I can take watching tonight.
    Not to be crude, but I think at some point Kamala should say “ewe, what’s that smell ?”

  5. If I exposed myself to the first debacle, I mean debate, I owe it to myself to sit through this one. For the occasion, I’m preparing a fine Jamaican/Indian meal: Jamaican Chicken Curry, with rice and veg, easy on the scotch bonnet peppers (I don’t have any, lucky for the guests). And I printed out the bingo cards, just for fun. Safer than shots….

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Fenway Fran @5: you made me think there’s a missing category on the bingo cards. Haitian immigrants eating people’s pet cats. (The word “immigrant” of course has an implied “illegal” in front of it, since there’s no other kind in Trumpland).

    By the way, several congress-varmints (R-of course) are posting AI images of Trump heroically saving kittens, geese, and other animals from the heathen hordes. Yes, the same Trump who has no pets except the eunuchs he keeps for amusement (roll over and play dead, Lindsay! Good boy. Sit up and beg, Nikki!)

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I didn’t watch but looked at some of my trusted sources. I think this was very good for Kamala.

    Also glad ABC did some real time fact checking on trumpf. Look forward to your all’s take on the debate since I was too weak to watch it.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And this. We’ll see how the NYT, Wa Po, AP and Politico try to sugarcoat trumpf’s performance. I’m sure it’ll be a both sides play.


  9. Nobody had “I have concepts of a plan “. ?? Serious Word Salad.

  10. @Jace–I had “Hannibal Lecter.”

  11. I just saw this today doggone it…two days too late. So Trump says he won’t do another debate against because he was just too awesome in the last one, but if he does, I’ll get right on it.
