Let’s Make This Official

August 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry has set about raising money to run for President of the United States of America.

He’s calling it RickPAC.  I guess IdiotPAC was already taken.

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And now we get to the part where Rick is not well known for making good decisions.

The treasurer of RickPAC, Stefan Passantino, is the head of the political law section of the Washington law firm McKenna Long & Aldridge. He is also a longtime legal adviser to Newt Gingrich.

Newt Who?

Seriously, whoever gave Newt advice should get out of the advice business.  Maybe open a transmission repair company or get one of those carpet cleaning trunks.  Anything but advice.

The assistant treasurer, Corry Bliss, has served in statewide political campaigns in Vermont and Georgia, and his aggressive, bare-knuckled political style has been compared to Karl Rove.

Oh cool, another guy who doesn’t believe in election returns?  This might be fun.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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