Let’s Make A Deal

June 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A Wall Street financial advisory firm has revised its predictions for the November election.

Financial advisory firm Signum Global Advisors is telling clients that it now believes the U.S. Senate is going to flip blue as presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden continues to surge past President Donald Trump in the polls.

The head of the firm tells his investors that “Biden and a Democratic-led Congress will likely lead to higher corporate taxes, including for tech, pharmaceutical and energy companies.”

Damn it to hell – let that be true.

If we take the White House and the Senate, no more of this pussy footing around making little tweaks here and there, acting scared of our own shadow.  It is way past time for some major economic changes in this country.  Social change will follow economic change, not the other way around.  We get health care.  We get a living minimum wage. We get a New Deal.

But, most of all, we get people who will provide leadership, not the self-serving, whiny, kool-aid crap we’re getting now.  Make America Honorable Again.

If Democrats take the White House and the Senate, we have two years to clean up this mess.


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0 Comments to “Let’s Make A Deal”

  1. Harry Eagar says:

    Single payer health insurance. Non-contributory up to, say, $150,000 a year.

    I think Obama’s key weakness was that he spent so little time in the Illinois legislature. If he had had more experience he would not have imagined that he was going to get any cooperation from the other side.

  2. Mark Johnson says:

    All of that sounds great. But unfortunately, we won’t get any of it, even if we win the Senate.

    Because what we will get is Joe Biden. And he doesn’t want any of that. He has already told us that he wants to go back to “the way things used to be.” He has already said he would veto any M4A legislation.

    He doesn’t want to move forward, he only wants to look back.

    Yes, he will have my vote, because I’m not an idiot. But I also am not foolish enough to think that we will make any progress under a Biden presidency.


  3. Sam in Superior says:

    I’ll do my part; As a conciliatory gesture, I’m inviting Barr and Don Jr to go hunting after the election.

  4. Sam in Superior @ 3,

    Perhaps Dick Cheney could be part of the hunting party?

  5. The “Democrats are bad for business” line has really gotten tiresome, especially considering that the 2 longest-lived bull markets in recent history occurred during Clinton and Obama administrations. I believe that when the middle class thrives, Wall Street thrives right along with it.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Amen sister! I’m sick of Dems who want to work across the aisle. We need to set this country on the right path, and corporations and others who don’t want to be in a country who educates its healthy, adequately paid citizens who can express themselves out loud and vote freely – let them set up shop in another country!

  7. “ make America honorable again” THAT is a great campaign slogan!

  8. Sam @ 3, if you’re in Superior WI, I went deer hunting up there someplace and the country bars brought in strippers outa Green Bay. If I had been Scalia’s age, I woulda had a heart attack. Take barr there.

  9. It will take way longer than 2 years to repair all the damage. Eight is more like it, maybe even longer with Biden. I think the Democrats missed the boat with Bloomberg.

  10. I’ll put something ahead of taxes and healthcare. Let’s weaken the president and strengthen oversight. Give Inspectors General more independence and make them impossible for a president to fire without congressional approval. Define in law that a sitting President can be indicted. Define and limit executive privileged by statute. Make it clear that every employee of the executive branch except the POTUS and VP must appear before Congress when subpoenaed. Make it clear enough that even Gorsuch and Kavanaugh can’t say Congress doesn’t have the power to compel appearance.

    Joe Biden ain’t perfect, but I think he would be more amenable to these ideas than any other president in my lifetime.
