Let’s Get Down to It…

July 02, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Let’s just come out and say it…

It doesn’t matter who Democrats like and wildly support for president.  If you’re a Dem, your support doesn’t matter if you actually come out and vote.  Your vote is assured.  AND, it doesn’t matter what your candidate’s pet policy happens to be. Most important, stop talking about turning Trumpists into Democratic voters.  Even if the Dems ran George W. Bush, Trumpists would still vote for Trump because facts, criminality, global stability, and common decency don’t matter.  Trumpists will vote for Trump even if the planet is burning down around their ears.  They’re Fifth Avenuers.

Here’s what matters, and the ONLY thing that matters.  Getting Joe & Jill Sam & Sarah SixPack. Period.  When you’re saying, “I like So & So’s policies,” and, “So & So sure showed up So & So in the debate,” or, “So & So didn’t respond very well to So & So’s attack on what So & So did over 40 years ago,” NONE of that matters.  What matters is that the ultimate Dem candidate must have broad appeal, because that candidate MUST get those who don’t pay attention and who are not the base.  Being a smarty pants on policy or sharp elbowed in debates is entertaining as hell, but doesn’t get the votes.  We saw that in spades in 2016.  Hillary was WAY smarter, more experienced, and a serious smarty pants on policy, but she lost.  She lost because she was a terrible candidate, and did not draw low information voters.  Obama did.  Twice.  He did it twice by broad appeal, not detailed policies.

I’m watching the Dems repeat the same mistakes they made in 2016 (and in 2004 and 2000).  Reams of policies don’t matter; splitting hairs on healthcare policy doesn’t matter; rehearsed on-stage attacks during debates don’t matter.  Being a smarty pants doesn’t matter. Broad appeal is the only thing that matters. Which candidate will get the votes of Joe & Jill Sam & Sarah out in the heartland who don’t pay attention until November 2?

THAT’S what Dems should be talking about.  Period.


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