Let’s Chat About Dan Crenshaw

October 21, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I still meet with Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for breakfast, and he’s curious as to how Dan Crenshaw spent so damn much of his campaign contributions on security since he’s on the political side of those causing all the security problems.

But, first there’s this.  Remember when we got tickled over RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel having to undergo $500 in makeup application when she went on tv?  Yeah well, apparently that’s not just a girl thing.


I guess they gotta start by scrubbing that guy with a Brillo pad and there’s a $150 uncharge for that.

And here’s some of the ones that tickle me. There’s about a million event security charges this guy ran up for 5 events.  To get the full picture, please watch of this video he made for the Georgia Senate race.


And now here’s is just one page of his expenditures for “event security”.  You know how he says at the end of the commercial, “bring everybody?”  Yeah, he did.


So what’s he planning on doing, is he gonna storm Omaha Beach?  Good Lord, Sherman marched through Georgia with fewer troops than that.

So I went to page two and was too damn tired to copy all those so go look for yourself.  I did a rough adding of the expense numbers on the second page and it came in just short of $10,000 worth of “event security” that you ain’t even seen yet.

This guy is a pussy.

I’m not finished yet.  Mr. Rambo has paid a Washington Dee Cee law firm about $32,000 to defend him against a sworn ethics complaint to the House Ethics Committee because he tried to smear a fellow vet.

I’ve got another story about him getting ripped off for $5,000 because when you lay down with dogs … you know how it ends. But, I’m exhausted and there’s baseball. Y’all know how I am in October. So, I’ll save it.

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0 Comments to “Let’s Chat About Dan Crenshaw”

  1. First of all, apologies to pussies everywhere. Second, he was being protected by GIRLS? What a snowflake.

  2. Cato the Censor says:

    Crenshaw seems to have a lot of close personal friends in the security business.

  3. Katherine says:

    I think he just wants to be an action move hero and he’s hoping some Hollywood folks will call.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Is this really a picture of Dan Crenshaw? Some people might find my comment in bad taste, but oh well. I can see where he needed a make up artist:


    Oh, JJ, good comeback by your Astros. My Dodgers have run out of gas and starting pitchers. Probably won’t be a rematch this year.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I meant to say all his campaign expenditures prove he is the one-eyed bandit.

  6. Crenshaw is a flaming, gaping a$$hole. What a jerk!

    My nightmare is coming true: A WS between the Asterisks and the Barfs. As much as I love Baseball, I probably won’t watch because I want them both to lose. Sosueme.

  7. yet another baby boomer says:

    Since the 2010s I have been gerrymandered three times, even placed in brand new precincts that were designed solely to break up the Democratic votes in my neighborhood. But I’m hoping this latest gerrymandering doesn’t get contested because it gets me out of Congressional District 2 and away from the odious, preening Crenshaw and into District 7 represented by the far more reasonable Lizzie Fletcher. Fingers crossed!

  8. Sandridge says:

    Good ol’ Dannei must have really enjoyed the…errm…security.. that Mz. Elizabeth G was providin’, ’cause she seems to have gotten paid around $2500-3000 more than anya da the macho pistol packin’ boyz did.
    Yessirree, ‘Liz musta been packin’…ahem… a real hot piece with a bit bigger caliber bore than the boyz wuz gittin’ up [IYKWIM].
    [I’z cain’t hep it if’n muh mind ‘meedately getz down in da gutter when we’za discussing ’bout them damned Rethuglikan mofos…]

  9. Does anybody else look at this fool and start hearing The Village People’s “Macho Man” in your head like I do?

  10. yet another baby boomer says:

    Well Barb, I do now. ummm, thanks?

  11. Danny wears the eye-patch to look *tough and rough*. “I want the girls to look at me” .

  12. @Sandridge- my friend worked at an investment banking firm which bought a major record label. She was installed as CFO. When she called one of the label’s upper management in to find out how they spent over $2 million on “flowers and candy” , he politely explained that it was the expenditure for “hookers and blow* for “the talent”. I agree with you, security is the new flowers and candy.

  13. I wondered what they were calling that sort of thing nowadays. Thanks to the prior commenters for enlightening me.

  14. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I tried to watch that dang video…and I’m sorry, but my gag reflex started working overtime.

    And yes, I take umbrage at the characterization on behalf of pussies everywhere.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    I had the same reaction as Sandridge. If I was Crenshaw’s wife, I’d keep an eye out on Liz Gemmill. $3000 for a single day’s work is getting into the high-end escort range.

    Since my financial knowledge is limited to the local credit union, can someone clue me in for why there’s all those “bank service charge” items? I’d think a regular customer could get free ATM from them. Also, what are all those CC transaction fees from Shopify and REVV? Does that mean actual charges for items, or the fee for using a credit card?

    And just how damned far is Sonia Soto driving to get all of that mileage reimbursement?

    Everytime Alfredo posts these FEC reports, I get sucked down into them and they seem scummier than a Louisiana pond.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    They’re all cowards. Gaetz was in the House yesterday whinging about one death threat he says he got and demanding the DOJ do something about it. How many do you think Reps. Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Cheney and Kinzinger get every day? Not to mention school board members, women’s clinics, hospital workers and DNC offices. They’re the ones who are always showing us their guns — pop a balloon near Crenshaw and his staff would have to provide clean underwear. Cowards.

  17. So there’s no doubt that he’s a spineless hypocrite, but we already knew that – he’s a Republican.

    The real question is “Yeah, but is he Louie crazy?”

  18. Gail in Richmond says:

    Is he 9 years old? Starring in a daydream instead of listening to teacher?
