Let’s Buy Some Shirts!

July 18, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Prior to July 13th, we had a Republican Party in love with guns. They couldn’t get enough of them. They bragged about shooting their errant dogs. They shot up cases and cases of Bud Light to make a point. They fried strips of bacon on their rifle barrels made hot by expanding gases exploding within them. They…well, you get the idea, right?

Then some 20-year-old confused kid shot up a Republican rally for their presidential nominee with an AR-style semi-automatic rifle, killing an innocent bystander, wounding another, nicking the former guy’s ear, before he himself was killed by a Secret Service sniper.

And now we’re being told to dial it down. Things have become too coarse. The language has become too vitriolic. Too violent. Too divisive. We must unite!

Nobody told Dan Crenshaw.

Right now you can click right here, and you can see a short movie on a T-shirt selling website about how Dan Crenshaw (R TX-02)  will personally shoot a T-shirt full of holes and sell it to you for the low, low price of $50.00.
And they’re not just any old shirt, either. They proudly bear the message Survived the American Revolution.

But wait, there’s more! I have it on good authority that Crenshaw and his team have recently purchased a few truckloads of trousers from Huntington Beach’s “United States of Apparel”. Or at least $5281.30 worth, however many that is.

Whatcha gonna do with the pants, Danny boy?

0 Comments to “Let’s Buy Some Shirts!”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    So this is Texas repugnantican’s idea of making amurika great again while grifting. I’m sure MTG and groper boobert are jealous they didn’t think of this first.

  2. Dan must be in the America Shoot First! wing of the party.

    And never ask questions.

  3. Trumpitis must be contagious. Now lets see if Danny boy can outsell his grift items than tRump does.

  4. It’s just more batshit crazy Rethuglikkkan weirdness, probably gives most MAGAots .50 caliber woodies just anticipating their order delivery [though most of them are probably only .22 caliber in their junk dept…].

    But it sounds good to me, since Danny C may be losing his butt on this deal; depending on just how he’s making these t-shirts.
    Depending on the number of bullet holes per shirt, and if he stacks them so that each bullet passes through x- number of shirts, the costs of production might stretch that asking price.

    Ammunition is quite expensive now, for most all calibers.
    Pistol ammo [chkd 9mm&.45cal] ranges from 20cents to $1.50+ per round, rifle ammo 50-60cents to $3.00+ per round.
    So the cost of a t-shirt, quantity of ammo, various handling time, firearm mtce, etc, could eat up a chunk of that $50.
    Of course he might have some gunutz reloader types making cheap loads recycling the brass. Or just use a shotgun with 00 buckshot shells for 9-15 holes per discharge.


    [glad that I stockpiled a bunch of various ammo long ago, for many reasons…]

  5. drumpf gonna be mad as HELL when he sees his true voting block being hosed down without wearing drumpf’s new $299 fight, fight, fight sneakers.

    Bad doggy, Crenshaw.

  6. Hilarious! 12 feet away, and has to use his scope.
