Let Us Pray
Y’all, we need to pray for Michele Bachmann. Bless her heart, she can smell the bacon but she can’t find the breakfast table.
Now she preaching that Hillary is gonna tax churches and non-profits.
Hillary ain’t gonna do that but it should have been done a long time ago.
We will see a heightened level, I believe, of vindication coming out of a Hillary Clinton White House, where I believe there will be prosecutions for churches, for nonprofits, for anyone that opposes the Hillary Clinton agenda. Open your eyes.
I don’t think vindication means what she thinks it means. But, hell, nobody in the audience at the Value Voters Summit knows what it means either.
She also said that if you vote for Clinton, you will surely die.
It will either be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, one of the two, and just like the Book of Deuteronomy teaches us that: I have set before you life and death, which will you choose?
Yeah, there definitely needs to be crap tax.
Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.