Let Us Pray
My Governor, Rick Perry.
The Vice President’s committee was appointed in response to the tragedy at Newtown, but very few of his recommendations have anything to do with what happened there. Guns require a finger to pull the trigger. The sad young man who did that in Newtown was clearly haunted by demons and no gun law could have saved the children in Sandy Hook Elementary from his terror. There is evil prowling in the world – it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be. Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children. In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally.”
– Texas Gov. Rick “Oops” Perry, writing on his official state website.
I am tempted to say that prayer is Rick Perry’s only solution for any problem becuase he’s lazy, cheap, and stoopid. But, maybe he might be right. Maybe prayer does work to our advantage and makes government better. After all, he did pray to become President.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.
Well, his big prayer meeting to end the drought worked really well. Oh, wait…
1ButPerry isn’t disgusted by Wayne LaPierre, who used the massacre of little children to consolidate an entrenched political agenda that cannot, and did not save those children.
Governor- do you know what Jesus said about Hypocrites?
Woe unto you.
2I joined Bold Progressives, a totally non-profit organization of young people who are moderate & more mainstream than MoveOn. They are campaigning to defeat NRA-backed Congress-critters. So I donated a small amount to them to help with that effort.
I also signed the Mayors’ Demand a Plan petition & their “thank you” page, which be collected and given to the White House.
It is the only way this ordinary non-gun-toting-caring woman can help make the crazy-bugs lose power in Congress. Hope you’ll join me in this effort. Just sayin’ . . .
3Well, I am somewhat relieved to see that Rick Perry didn’t actually write that. I mean, that would indicate that he had somehow “smartened-up,” but when I got to the par where it said “Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice,” I knew it was a total fake because we all
4Know that there is no way that Rickie baby knows how to pronounce words like redoubt, secularism, or suffice., and we all suspect he could never understand what they mean without dumb-down tutoring.
Isn’t just too wonderful that we have a governor who doesn’t believe laws are good for anything?
And yet who cost us all a large amount of money to get more law officers to protect his useless carcass?
Can we just drop-kick him through the goal posts of faroffistan?
5The committee was formed after Newtown, but its intent was to come up with ways to prevent gun violence overall. In fact, President Obama specifically mentioned the many people killed throughout the country, with special mention of big cities.
The committee has done exactly what it set out to do.
6I don’t know either way. My stepsister is a dyed in the wool fundie idiot also, and everyone she prays for dies. The rest of us try to withhold news about ourselves from her, ’cause none of us want to be on her prayer list. We don’t have our lives nearly in order to only live a day or two more…
7Still sayin’ . . . pull NRA’s business license and force them to re-license as a non-profit. Watch how fast Ol’ Wayne and his posse pull a fast fade.
As for the limitations on rounds in the President’s plan, there is precedent. It goes all the way back to World War II and the hoarding people tried to do with non-lethal weapons such as bathroom tissue, light bulbs, etc. The point about hoarding at that time was that certain people were over-stocking in hopes of selling to people who under-supplied themselves and make a profit. Want to bet the same thing happens in other circles, no matter what the product? Like ammo? For people who are stricken with way out of bounds fear, there ain’t such a thing as too many bullets and they don’t care how or where they get them. By the way, the people who were doing the black market thing way back when were called “aces”. Wonder what they would be called today?
8Gov. Perry is delusional.
There are people with mental health issues who need help.
Perry does not even address mental health issues because he doesn’t believe in them. He calls them demons. He is mixing his religiosity with public health issues.
Mental health issues are real and need to be addressed.
Calling them demons denies that people need medical help.
It is easier and cheaper to be talking about prayers then mental health clinics, doctors, nurses and insurance.
I don’t think many NY’s will be moving to Texas.
9Honestly, when I hear Perry say pray, I can’t help but wonder if he isn’t mixing it up with “prey.” His so-called prayer efforts often seem to be arrogant – like he is the aristocrat and the peasants need a distraction from how much he is taking from them.
10James McMurtry, a brilliant songwriter and — who knew — gun enthusiast wrote a blog post that’s one of the best pieces I’ve read on the whole thing: http://blurt-online.com/features/view/1309/.
11Governor (P)Rick GoodHair is an idiot, but he is not stupid. He is preaching to his substantial choir since he is up for re-election in a coupleof years. Pass the Prozac, I feel a spell coming on….
12Of course Perry doesn’t bring up the mental health issues involved with the shooting, then he might have to ‘splain why he won’t approve access to federal funds to supplement healthcare–even old Governor Jan was not that mean-spirited. We quite possibly have the meanest governor of all the 50 states.
The other issues at hand in this case are many and all point to parental irresponsibility. 1) the shooter was obviously trained use these weapons 2) his parents knew of his mental challenges so what were they thinking? 3) The guns were licensed to his mother so why wasn’t she following gun safety rules and keeping them in a locked cabinet somewhere out of sight?–Oh wait a minute, I suppose #1 nullifies this one. He probably had one of the extra keys to the gun cabinet. Points being: the shooter wasn’t the only nut in this family.
13You pray, I’ll work for gun control.
14Hey, Ricky, you da man! I agree that there’s a better solution than the one Joe Biden is working on.
How about all present and prospective NRA members (I’m sure you are one) be required to undergo mental health screens and criminal background checks, regardless of whether they currently own firearms (though, no doubt, almost all of them do). Once and for all our country can identify you and all of the other nut jobs out there. Then we can begin to take the preventive steps to reduce the threat of irrational, violent public shooting incidents.