Let Us Litigate!

August 10, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Last time the MAGA Republicans tried to win an election in court, it was because all of their prior attempts to turn the votes in their favor – from precincts to counties to state election boards to Electors – in order to disparage the election results, all failed miserably.

They truly were “The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.”

This time, we are all watching as the MAGA campaign, through The Former Guy, its Constitutional Scholar, floats litigation angle after litigation angle.

The Felonious Grifter has told his followers that he doesn’t need votes. No, really. He said that:

We got more votes than anybody’s ever had. We need to watch the vote. We need to guard the vote. We need to stop the steal. We don’t need votes. We have to stop — focus, don’t worry about votes. We’ve got all the votes. I was in Florida yesterday — every house has a Trump sign. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. We have to guard the vote.”

Get it? The man says he doesn’t need any more votes, he’s got plenty and more to spare. It’s just that the gosh darn Democrat Party can’t hold an election without cheating. So watch out for Round Two of multiple challenges in the courts to make last times’ 61 court challenges look like child’s play.

Or maybe not.

Maybe instead, TFG will go after the whole enchilada and get Vice President Harris’s candidacy nullified in court. Yeaaaah, that’s the ticket.

Said the Orange One:

The fact that you can get no votes, lose in the primary system – in other words you had 14 or 15 people, she was the first one out – and then you can then be picked to run for president. It seems to me actually unconstitutional. Perhaps it’s not.

Translation: Harris performed a coup, and Biden was “unconstitutionally replaced” on the ballot. The Democrats lost because their candidate(s) were illegal. This one, I think, was borrowed from Venezuela’s dictator Nicolás Maduro, who banned his opposition from running.

Or maybe not.

0 Comments to “Let Us Litigate!”

  1. Yes.
    That makes sense?
    It’s maybe unconstitutional maybe for the Democratic Party to choose who is the head of the Democratic ticket.
    But it’s OK for Trump and his lawyers to choose.

  2. The point about Maduro is that all the time our right-wingers are condemning him as a Communist, they are saying to themselves, we gotta get *us* some o’ that. So was it with the Soviet Union, back when.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    For one thing, the orange buffoon thinks her primary run in 2020 is what’s going on now.
    When magats hear him speak unintelligible bufoon word salads, do they just tune it out or maybe they also speak that language? I’ve heard a number of interviews of magats and they do seem to speak that language, too. Wonder if they heard the part that he really doesn’t need their vote. Hope they take him at his word salad seriously.

  4. It’s a guarantee that any time Orange Blivet goes on about something, he’s projecting.

  5. I remember back around the time that he first took office. He was pretty incomprehensible then, too. His asskissers, uh, I mean, acolytes said to listen to what he meant, not what he said.

    I guess what he means is whatever the listener wants to think he means. At any rate, the whole NSGOP seems to feel that way…

  6. We all know, as Dylan Thomas once said, “he will not go gently into that good night”, irrespective of whether he looses the actual and Electoral Vote count! I do see this getting really bad if it comes down to a Supreme Court decision.

    What the MAGAheads fail to see is that Biden will still be in office for 2 months after the election, so it is he who could institute the Insurrection Act.

  7. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Fellow Beauty Salon Customers:
    I hope we are all spreading the word to loved ones and beyond to listen to the 2025 Training videos created by the Heritage
    Foundation. All are on ProPublica and are collectively the creepiest sci-fi I have ever seen. To be fair, there are many
    moments that create, all by themselves, instant Democratic
    campaign material (if the right people see them and act on that
