Let The Veepstakes Begin!

July 22, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Now that Biden is out and Harris is in, it’s time to speculate on who gets to be the Democratic Veep nominee.

Isn’t that weird? TFG had to pick a new shill because the old one didn’t dance to The Orange One’s tune and tip his hat for a coin, and Kamala has to pick one to replace herownself.

But who’s it gonna be?

Well, for some obscure reason, it can’t be our man Newsom because of something about Article II, The 12th Amendment, and tight Electoral College elections. Indeed, Dick Cheney had to sell his Dallas home and move into his Wyoming vacation home so he could be Dubya’s Veep. Good thing, too. That election was so close that Bush likely lost it.

So Gav’s gonna have to wait.

That brings us to swing state governors and senators, the obvious go-tos. They are all saying this race will be a tight one – something I still can’t get my head around. So swing states it is.

In no particular order, they are: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.

Governors of those elect states are, respectively, Tony Evers, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Some Republican, Katie Hobbs, and Some Other Republican.

I’m going to discount any US Senator because of the whole narrow majority thing we have in the Senate right now.

Of these, North Carolina has the most electoral votes at 16, closely followed by Michigan at 15. So that narrows it down.

So Roy Cooper or Gretchen Whitmer.

I’m not really too jazzed about either one to tell you the truth. Either would be fine, but.. just fine.

But I just had an idea. Why mess around with electoral votes in the teens? We have Texas over here with 40, count ’em 40 electoral votes. We have ethically challenged and well-hated Ted “iHeartMoney” Cruz with a target on his back the size of…well…Texas. And Texas could use a record voter turnout against him to finally rid the country of this scourge in favor of Colin Allred. 

Why not Beto?

(Just asking).

0 Comments to “Let The Veepstakes Begin!”

  1. A friend of mine was debate partners with Tony Evers (Wis) back in their school days. He gives Evers high marks. Which is good enough for me!

  2. El Jefe says:

    Don’t forget Pennsylvania, which has 19 electoral votes. In my mind it’s Cooper from NC or Shapiro from PA. Geographic diversity from Kamala and both key battleground states.

  3. FrauFree says:

    Whitmer – no. One woman too many 🙂 – at least for current state of affairs.
    Beto – no. Nice guy, but too much baggage, too explosive.

    I would go for Kelly, but I’m biased, my Hubby being a rocket engineer 🙂 Anyway, the bench seems to be quite nicely long.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    From what I’ve read, Josh Shapiro or Roy Cooper have had success against republicans in swing state elections and are strong VP choices. I also very much like Mark Kelly and think he’d bring a lot of vets into voting against bone spurs. Guess they’ll have to weigh that against potential loss of senate majority. Hoping maybe the strength of the ticket will help in other senate races to overcome that, especially as campaign donations are pouring in.
    I agree- let’s get our first woman President and then in the future work on two women in the White House.

  5. JuanitaJeanHerownself says:

    I still like Mark Kelly. Then the next time Trump starts on his ear nipping, Kelly can say, “Hey, Skippy, have you met my wife?”


  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    So good to see your comment JJ. I’m with ya!

  7. Brianm0122 says:

    Indeed, Dick Cheney had to sell his Dallas home and move into his Wyoming vacation home so he could be Dubya’s Veep.

    Chaney stayed right where he was, he just changed his registration to Wyoming.

  8. Landslide Harris’s VP choice should be highly decorated and totally competent retired General Mark Alexander Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under both tRump and Biden.

    Gen. Milley’s resume, abilities, judgment, and competence are premier among the other qualified candidates.
    The selection of Gen. Milley would check all of the boxes for the choice of a Vice President, to the max, especially in this critical election cycle.


    His tenure under CiC Bonespurs was a rocky one, with Donnei even later calling for his execution in 9/23]. Gen. Milley had acted with proper restraint in several incidents of critical military affairs in which tRump could possibly have violated US norms [an understatement..].


  9. Two words from Texas (well three): Matthew Freakin’ McConaughey.

  10. @Aaron Oh please tell me you’re joking.

  11. Former NASA software engineer here. The more I think about Mark Kelly as VP, the better I like it. I’d love to see someone with a solid scientific background in the highest echelons of our government, and he fits the bill. Plus, the number of NASA and other aerospace engineers who vote NSGOP reflexively would surprise you, and he just might persuade a good number of them to give a little bit of thought to their vote. In addition, he’d swing Arizona toward the Democrats. There’s a lot to like there.

  12. @BFSMan

    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
