LePage Now Required to Move to Texas
Susan Deschambault seems like a perfectly nice lady. She is a Maine Democrat who won a special election for the Senate District 32 seat.
Deschambault, along with her family, friends, and supporters, showed up at the Maine state house last Friday to be sworn in by Governor Paul LePage.
There was a small glitch in the ceremony. LePage refused to attend. Why, you might ask. Because he’s Paul Damn LePage. LePage is a mule’s hiney of a man.
He did nothing to soil his image of being a crazybutt sumbitch.
Gov. Paul LePage abruptly canceled a swearing-in ceremony Friday morning for a newly elected senator in response to Democratic lawmakers’ votes against one of his nominees.
LePage’s spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett said the governor canceled the ceremony in response to Democrats voting against Steven Webster’s nomination to the Maine Unemployment Insurance Commission.
Okay, so if you have a bag of apples and a bag of oranges …
Democrats are under no Constitutional obligation to approve the Governor’s appointment to boards and commissions. However, the swearing-in of duly elected members of the state senate is the Governor’s duty.
So the good people of Senate District 32 in Maine have taxation without representation because Paul LePage is a damn ninny. By the way, Deschambault won by 17 percentage points.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.