Lawyering Up
Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen and I have decided that the RNC’s theme song ought to be Lawyers, Guns, and Money.
The RNC seems to be collecting lawyers, which indicates to me that they are pondering on doing sketchy crap. That’s what you do when you foresee the possibility of getting caught – get lawyers, put the NRA in your backpocket, and kiss the ass of the upper class.
You can find an example right here.
Joy Lee 310 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 07/31/2019 Reimbursement – Moving Expenses, Membersh 958.74
Virginia State Bar 1111 E Main Street Ste. 700 Richmond, Virginia 23219 07/30/2019 Membership Dues 290.00Joy Lee 310 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20003 07/31/2019 Payroll 3809.98
Alfredo is threatening to keep count of all the lawyers the RNC hires and keep a running total on the window of the drive-thru. Those glass writing pens are the most dangerous thing anybody ever gave Alfredo.