Law and Order, My Pattotie!

August 31, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so some guys in Dallas who look like they would not know Gouda from Gruyère up and decide to picket Whole Foods because Whole Foods has signs asking you not to come into the store with open carry weapons.

Thankfully, a great American got pictures of it all because it was pretty damn funny.

First off the guys show up with lawn chairs because – and I’m judging only by appearance here – they probably don’t intend on doing much walking or shopping in the Fit Foods section.



Now the guy in the middle is carrying a “Remember Luby’s” sign.  As you might recall, a man in Killeen, Texas, killed 43 people inside a Luby’s cafeteria.  Responding police could not stop him even though they exchanged fire.  The reason you might not remember this is that it happened in 1991.  That was 23 years ago.  I have no idea how many people have been accidentally killed with guns in the past 23 years but it’s probably – and I’m just guessing here because I ran out of fingers and toes to count on by 1992 – a whole bunch.

The guy walking beside him is a real law and order type, right?  Wrong.




Let’s mosey on over to the Texas Penal Code.

Sec. 42.11. DESTRUCTION OF FLAG. (a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly damages, defaces, mutilates, or burns the flag of the United States or the State of Texas.

Dude, you not only defaced the Texas flag, you’re dragging it on the ground, Moses Rose.

Note the Ron Paul giantass lettering on his back windows. Really?  You’re still dating with that crazy old man?  Oh Honey, just go home and get drunk on the couch in your underwear.

So, they have this giant gun protest in Dallas, Texas.  Five guys show up and it last 30 minutes before they got distracted by a beer sign.

Thanks to the great people at Liberaland for the pictures and the fun.


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