Laughter Among the Ruins

November 03, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thelma predicted that this Republican sweep is like manna from heaven for people who like to laugh.

And starting that parade of delight is what Texas’ greatest poet, Willie Nelson, would call A Little Ole Fashioned Karma Comin’ Round.

Andrew Breitbart is considering suing ABC news for — wait for it, you know what’s coming, don’t you?  Damaging his brand.  No, seriously.  He actually said that.

Breitbart: “You have damaged me, you have damaged my brand, and I’m asking you to walk this lie back. I never exaggerated, I never lied, I never played my role up.”

“Pull in on them reins, ABC!  You cannot damage a person’s reputation.  That’s Breibart’s job.  His ‘brand,’ you might say,” Juanita grins.

“Karma’s a witch, ain’t she?”

“Take it away, Leon,” she says, “and we’ll let Willie lead the chorus.”

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