May 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

In recent weeks, many who feared Trump as a dangerous ideologue have come to learn he’s actually the opposite – rather than having firmly held beliefs and programs to implement policy on those beliefs, he’s actually just a clown.  He’s a dangerous, life threatening clown, but he is, in the end, simply a clown.  He has no idea what he’s doing, veering from disaster to disaster, always shocked that his latest brash move, childish insult, and idiotic tweet doesn’t result in adulation which he apparently needs on a minute by minute.  This moron actually believed that firing James Comey would 1) be wildly popular, especially among Democrats; 2) end the FBI investigation against him and the rest of his clown car.  Apparently, he really was shocked at the reaction by the press and the general public, and in the process has attracted an even tougher investigator who has prosecutorial authority.

These aren’t the actions of an ideologue, these are the mindless reactions of an idiot.  I don’t know which is scarier; a radical ideologue with totalitarian tendencies, or a simpleton, susceptible to manipulation by actual dangerous people whose poor advice results in the daily dumpster fire unfolding every day on our television sets.

One thing we know is that foreign leaders around the world, but especially in Europe, are shaking their heads and laughing at him (and at us).   Friday, Susan Glasser of Politico wrote of the international reaction to Trump, and it’s not pretty.  A few tidbits:

“People here think Trump is a laughingstock.”


“The president of the United States has a 12-second attention span.”

I could go on and on, but you get the drift.  My thinking on Trump has evolved over the last 120 days of the worst president in US history.  Before, I was furious that Americans could be this stupid to elect a reality television star who played a successful businessman on television.  I feared he could burn down the world trying to play his new reality role as president.  I still fear that, but am now just embarrassed; I’m humiliated that the US could go from the most globally popular president in modern history to this clown.  However, I’m liking the new bumper sticker that’s shown up recently on the inter webs –

Elect a Clown, Expect a Circus.

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