Latest Passengers on the Crazy Train to 2024

December 12, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election

Cruz, De Santis, Pompeo, Pence, and, of course TFG have all taken their seats on the Crazy Train to 2024.  Two notable new passengers?  Losing candidate for AZ governor, Kari Lake, and party switcher, AZ senator Kyrsten Sinema.  Sinema, you ask?  I don’t think she’s running for president any time soon, but she earned her seat on the Crazy Train by dumping the Dems the day after Raphael Warnock cemented in a solid majority in the Senate by defeating former football star and closeted werewolf, Hershel Walker.

Why did Sinema switch?  That’s pretty easy –  she lied to the Democratic party when she ran in 2018 as a Dem, and then stabbed them in the back, serving as a tool for the Republicans on any number of issues, including filibuster reform which killed a new voting rights bill, improving healthcare, and infrastructure.  She’s the Judas Goat of the Democratic party, doing the bidding of her donors rather than actually helping her constituents.  Her problem, of course, is that her chances of being nominated for re-election are about the same as a Dairy Queen sundae not melting in the Texas August sun.  Early polls for the 2024 primary have her trailing badly behind progressive, Ruben Gallego, and her only chance for re-election in 2024 is avoiding a primary by running as an independent, which is a long shot at best.

Kari Lake’s seat on the Crazy Train, though, is a little more subtle.  Lake, a former Obama supporter, jumped on TFG’s Big Lie campaign in 2020 to run for AZ governor.  She’s been one of the loudest voices about nonexistent voter fraud and earned TFG’s endorsement, which virtually guaranteed her loss.  She indeed did lose against AZ SOS Katie Hobbs by almost 20,000 votes, and she’s now suing, challenging the election result.  Her chances of winning that law suit are about the same as that same DQ sundae, but that really doesn’t matter.  Having lost the AZ race for governor, she’s now running to be TFG’s running mate in 2024.  That’s why she’s in the front car of the Crazy Train and why she’ll lie about her election loss from now until the cows come home to maintain TFG’s support.  I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if that wasn’t already a done deal.  She’ll end up like all the others, though, reputation destroyed and facing a lifetime of disgrace.  See: Hershel Walker.

The Crazy Train is picking up steam.  With any luck, it will go over the cliff at full steam.

0 Comments to “Latest Passengers on the Crazy Train to 2024”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    >The Crazy Train is picking up steam. With any luck, it will hit >go over the cliff at full steam.

    From your mouth to God’s ear.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Kyrsten an Independant? rofl One must ask what Senators Angus King and Bernie Sanders think about that. Perhaps they should take her to lunch and explain life to the out to lunch lady. Or maybe Kyrsten requires the women’s touch and can be taken to the pool by the women in the Senate who know how to do their jobs.

    As for Kari Lake? GMAB Arizona. You already have greed on steroids Kyrsten, you cannot afford Kari.

    2022 TFG’s ‘candidates’ were 0/15 or was that 17 losses? Lordy. Senator Warnock beat Walker. It will be fun watching old Mort Blackwell and Moscow Mitch attempt to stuff the self-proclaimed jenius back into the box of crazy before he literally implodes their party.

  3. “…end up like all the others…reputation destroyed…see: Herschel Walker.”

    Neither Lake’s reputation nor Walker’s has been “destroyed”. Formerly, these two reputations stood low with one audience, and high with another. Today, they still stand low with the one audience, and high with the other. Nothing has changed. Nothing can change.

  4. Joyce Forbush says:

    Hate to be b*tchy but this election stuff sure has been hard on Ms. Lake’s looks. Poor lil thing looks plumb wrung out. Working under ole Donnie sure wouldn’t help things.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    I think both ladies have put out their for sale sign both for donations/votes now and for a national TV career in a couple of years.

  6. Kinda moves Joe Manchin another chair closer to the catbird’s seat. And I thought that my vote for John Fetterman would be the last nail in the Manchin / Sinema coffin. Note to self: ‘Never assume anything when it comes to politics’.

  7. Grandma Ada @ 3,

    I guess that means Scary Lake will have to become a Faux Nooze blonde wearing the requisite tight dress and a cross.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Losers need to stick together, so a trumpf-Lake ticket sounds about right. She’s jumping on a sinking ship. Fine with me. At this point, I’m more concerned about the others on the train if they were to become president. Any of them will leave the US in shambles.
    Sinema- she’s guaranteeing herself to be out of national politics when she runs as an independent. I’m just concerned she’ll get a repugnantican elected for 6 years.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And Tim Scott wants on the train. The same Tim Scott that defended trumpf on the Jan 6 insurrection.

  10. In 2015-2016 it was the Republican Clown Car. Now it’s the Crazy Train. I fear what’s to come after that.

  11. John from Lake Oswego says:

    Did you ever wonder how it happened that the Dems started to win seats in RED Orange County John Waynesville CA? Could it be that all of the RWNJs moved to AZ. They didn’t even leave a Ninja behind….

  12. I foresee a Gabbard / Sinema presidential run for the Third Way crowd… the Wil-E Coyote super genius ticket!

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    A little OT, but maybe not. Anyone see a conflict of interest and get a little concerned by Supremes going to social events like Kavanaugh attending the Christmas party with Matt Schlapp and white nationalist/supremacist Stephen Miller? According to news reports, attendees at the party, like Miller, were basically lobbyists for matters that are actively in front of the court. Alito did the same recently. The Supremes are corrupt, but we already knew that.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa @13, there’s no “O/T” when combatting the Qcumber Nazi Party and their Meal Team Six ‘militias.’ Howevuh, as the saying goes “rot is from the head up and down,” meaning TFG, Ginni Thomas, Clarrie Thomas and every goat molesting member of Congress who facilitated Donnie’s attempted coup. Try to convince me that Congress doesn’t have security cameras and that whoevuh the perps were who disabled the panic buttons in targeted Congressional offices was not captured on tape. 1-2-3. Convict, imprison, then not to worry about those toadstools being re-elected.

    Mark Meadows, Qevin McQarthy, Moscow Mitch, and lordy the entire Freedumb Caucus Qcumber fascist brigade requires being hauled into court, if Qevin and Moscow Mitch fail to address the treasonists in their party. Mitch failed to convict TFG. States unfortunately cannot recall their village idiots, but Congress does have the powers to convict and remove them.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Papa @ 13- and many of the congress critters that called for such things as trumpf declaring martial law and overturning the election, will be on or heading important house committees involved with security and the judiciary. I guess that indicates exactly who many of these “representatives” will be representing.

  16. To me this is just further proof that this was an organized coup attempt to overthrow our government.This is the smoking gun, imo.

    These seditionists were elected and still hold an office.
    They will vote against us and our country.
    They will try to impeach Biden, hold harassing investigations and stir shit.
    And next time, they will suceed.

    The US needs to be like Peru and Germany was last week. Round up ALL these bass turds and throw them in the slammer. But I’m not optimistic that it will happen.

  17. Lately I have been watching the Senate when they have important votes. Sinema would vote, hang around until a likely Republican came to the flor. She would head right for them, engage in deep conversation in her mini skirt, jeans jacket and boots. Then she began to pet them sat down with Mitch, actually had her arm around him. Soon many Tepublicans began to change course when they saw he coming.

    So much like a hooker bar at closing time. Desperate for a date.

    I think Arizona just passed Texas and Ohio for the crazy state.
