Last Night

March 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz ate a booger on live teevee last night and that was the least disgusting and offensive thing that happened all night.


Everybody senses that the GOP National Convention will be a-damn-mazing.

Overall, the debate was another mess. The crowd sounded like a bunch of angry goons. If you’re waiting for the Republican convention to see the GOP fall apart, you don’t need to wait any more. It happened tonight. It was a national embarrassment.

Remember the good ole days when somebody asked Bill Clinton “boxers or briefs?” and it was a national scandal?  Yeah well, that’s over.


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0 Comments to “Last Night”

  1. Ya gotta give it to the GOP. They don’t need a flammable liquid to burn their party down.

  2. Elizabeth Moon says:

    When supposedly adult men, in a public, televised debate, resort to attacking/defending/proclaiming the size of one another’s junk and their own junk, they have just proved that they’re all mentally frat boys.

    Take them out back, wash their mouths out with a big old bar of yellow laundry soap, paddle their butts, and send them to bed without supper.

  3. Cheryl Ann says:

    I’m at work. Die hard repubs, that I don’t really waste my time on, are talking loudly about what an embarassment this debate and this bunch of yahoos are. I have always believed in the two party system. I have always thought compromise was the best way to govern. I am wrong.

  4. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Addendum: both Trump and Cruz have connections to that bunch of criminals out west that’s collected around Cliven Bundy.

    So either of those would happily sell off our national parks and forests to private interests. (All the bull about returning land to its rightful owners does not, of course, mean returning it to the Native Americans…)

  5. The moderators need the ability to turn off mike’s for each candidate. THIS was AWFUL (I just watched the highlight clip).

    If they cannot follow the rules on their own, then engineer it!

  6. stevethereturned says:

    Proof positive of that old saying: You Are What You Eat.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Elizabeth Moon, as NV residents, Jane and I are watching this spectacle with deep personal ties. Two more Bundy welfare mooching brats were arrested, along with T-Rump’s NH whatever. As usual “follow the money” is applicable. One of the reasons we feel absolutely no sympathy for the deluded Bundy bunch is that they are being manipulated by the Koch brothers and other destructive interests. As for the self-proclaimed self-financing Donnie Drumpf, he sure has a lot of Koch campaign operatives working for him. Too bad the FEC doesn’t have Alfredo’s skills to investigate just how much of Donnie’s payroll is being paid for by the Koch brothers.

  8. I heard a rumor that Cleveland was arming up their SWAT teams etc. just for the R’s convention! What gives?

  9. How appropriate Drumpf would be nominated in a city associated with the pejorative, “The Mistake by the Lake”. That comment may well sum up Drumpf’s nomination by the GOP as well.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    We should have a contest. When, for the first time, will one of the Republican candidates accuse another of bestiality? Extra points can be given for identifying both the accuser and his target. Didn’t we discuss doing something like this four years ago?

  11. Elise Von Holten says:

    I think that saying about living by the sword, dying by the sword—I mean they are comparing “junk” so that kind of base interaction should be a death knell…
    The repug base has finally reached a moment of truth–I saw on a video clip statements attributed to Drumpf that were actually Hitler’s and when that was revealed the “trumpeters”
    stood by their man…when did we become so stupid?

  12. I tried to watch the debate, but turned it off after Trump’s “mine is bigger than yours” display. And the crowd reminded me of a wrestling match. They were mugging and waving at the camera when it was on the moderators and the hooting and hollering was light years away from what presidential debates used to be in the not so distant past. Donald Trump has made the whole contest into one big “reality” show and the people are eating it up. We’ve become the laughingstock of the world. If Trump becomes president, we deserve everything we get.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Cruz just knew Trump was gonna eat his lunch if Cruz didn’t eat it first. Trump did manage to take the milk money.

  14. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a kick out of the ephinies the Repub. faithful are having. Yeah, but we knew that years ago!
    Sort of like when the WASPs discoved PAAASTA , Did you ever eat PAASTA? they would ask, my maiden name was DiGiuseppe, yes I would say but we called it macaroni.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    CIC Trump-My fellow ‘murricans,ISIS just destroyed the WTC again,so I have been fortunate enough to pick up that property at a yooooge discount and will erect a new Trump White House on that very location. Your tax dollars will enable me to honor me in a manner befitting me. I’ve instructed ISIS to take down the Washington Monument so you can build a new monument,again honoring me in another manner that is befitting the World Leader with the largest Pee-Pee tail ever-a 1000 foot tall Trump Johnson.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    Elizabeth Moon: I totally agree with your first paragraph. Unfortunately, your second paragraph could be considered a snacilbupeR sex fantasy. Yes, they are that weird.

  17. “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” (The Yale Book of Quotations, 2006, p. 512) (modified from Mencken).

    Mencken has a whole lot to say that applies to our current situation:

    I also like
    “The fact is that the average man’s love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth.” and
    “It is the natural tendency of the ignorant to believe what is not true. In order to overcome that tendency it is not sufficient to exhibit the true; it is also necessary to expose and denounce the false.”

  18. Presumably at the next debate the survivors will just pull ’em out and slap ’em on the table.

    I can only think of two reasons that might not happen:
    1. Good taste (not going to happen).
    2. Size matters.

  19. LynnN reminds me of an occasion when women were first going into male pro teams’ locker rooms for post-game interviews. A woman was being professional, holding her notepad to block the view as she sat on the bench talking with a player, and so on, when one guy came out of the shower and, with a “Y’all watch this” look, slapped his down on her shoulder and said, “What do you think of THAT?” She glanced at it, said, “It looks like a penis, only smaller,” and went back to her interviewing.

    Same thing with all those bozos. Only smaller. (Size doesn’t actually matter that much, but they think it does.)

  20. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Will the GOP National Convention be a gun-free zone or a Second Amendment zone?

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Seems our KJ made the correct choice last night. He chose to have a barbecue instead of watching TV. He likes to cuddle and watch TV, if he is tired. He said he wasn’t tired and wanted to invite Uncle Freddie over to play. Not tired was the understatement of the century. He had the best of Jane by 10, and at 10:30 we walked an exhausted Fred home. Then he toddled close to a mile with the dogs after that before he was ready for me to carry him the rest of the way.

    Our boy certainly has more stamina than the snacilbupeR candidates and his vocabulary is much better than theirs.

  22. treehugger says:

    All this male organ talk from a party that was ready to impeach Clinton for engaging in oral sex with a woman not his wife. Methinks had Clinton been Republican, these same people would have been slapping Bill on the back and asking him if she was any good. I used to follow some of the elections in France with amazement, but I believe these people have sunk to lows even the French would not tolerate.

  23. Hollyanna says:

    Love that opening sentence, JJ, and ain’t it the truth!

  24. This is what passes for ‘family values’ in today’s R party?

    Yep, gone the way of ‘compassionate conservative’!

  25. I watched 30 minutes of it. I think the 3 idiots as frat boys is much too generous. Kindergarteners. The “fans” watching? A Jerry Springer crowd.

    My 82 year old, life-long snacilbupeR friend, may vote for the Democrat this year, first time in her life, because she won’t vote for a candidate who is better suited to the Gong Show.

    Congratulations Margaret!

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Ms Carol-did you mean epiphany?

  27. Linda Phipps says:

    Whaddya mean “they sounded like goons” … they ARE goons!

  28. I recollect engaging in Richard measuring and so forth. I was in 7th grade and such was the exclusive province of 7th grade boys. I am fond of many of these memories, ashamed of others. That significantly older nacilbupeR POTUS wannabes still engage in Richard-centric discussions is still a bit surprising. But they ARE snacilbueR after all. Which I guess means at their advanced ages they have less maturity than knuckleheaded deep east Texas 7th grade boys.

  29. An Italian friend asked how this could be happening. I told him to think of Donald as Trumpusconi. He gets it now. Bunga Bunga in the White House!
    I hope Hillary is having practice debates with Andrew Dice Clay to warm up for Drumpf.

  30. maryelle says:

    Paul Krugman has an interesting article in today’s NYTimes concerning the hypocrisy of calling Trump a con man, when that’s exactly what they have been all along. Their ploy of denying climate change, the success of the ACA , President Obama’s economic success and a myriad of other inconvenient truths has been ongoing. Drumpf actually exposed the Big Lie about Dubya’s war in Iraq, which they cannot acknowledge.
    Their panic is that Trump will lose them the White House, but Cruz, Rubio,Kasich, romney and the whole RKlan are just as despicable. Let the Rethuglican party disappear and the world will be better off.

  31. TrulyTexan says:

    I can garundamn-t you there will be more security around that group than they would allow around all the foreign embassies combined. Not a gun allowed in a 100 mile radius.

  32. Old Mayfly says:

    Carol–you probably know this already–but for readers who don’t–“Yankee Doodle went to town, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Put a feather in his cap and called it Macaroni” were derisive lyrics referring to our “traitorous” (or “patriotic”) forefathers who rebelled against the British empire.

    At that time “macaroni” had become very stylish and was a featured dish at upper-class dinner tables. (Thanks, Italy.)

  33. E Platypus onion, yes I did, but due to dyslexia I am a terrible speller.
    Old Mayfly, in our house we always called it Macaroni, and we had sauce on it not Gravy, All fashionable stuff aside.

  34. charles r. phillips says:

    I’d sooner eat a booger off of Ted’s finger than vote for any RWNJ in the general.

    And that’s a fact.

  35. Irish in S.C. says:

    After all that, Cruz’s ride ended when thousands of repub women watched that booger and said eeeeuuuwwwwwww!

  36. e platypus onion says:

    @Carol-no offense meant. I like to read all comments and learn new words. I googled what you had written and nothing showed up, You do just fine. 🙂

  37. daChipster says:

    The “macaroni” reference in Yankee Doodle was about London fashion. Young 18th century fops who had made the grand tour, including Italy, were said to belong to the Macaroni Club, due to the tastes, including paaaaasta, they had picked up on the Continent. To anything that tickled their fancy they would say “I say, that’s so macaroni, what?”

    Predictably, they became increasingly outre in their aspect as well as their slavish devotion to all things Continental. This made the macaronis objects of derision for their elders, among the merchant class, among the country squirearchy and among the lower classes, especially as England was constantly in a war, just over a war or just starting a war with France.

    Hence, sticking a feather in your cap – actually rather prosaic, fashion-wise – and calling it macaroni makes fun of the foppishness of the macaroni club and us provincial bumpkins who aspired to being frenchified fops and thought a feather was all it took.

  38. daChipster says:

    I meant to add: Hence the foolish Yankee Doodle considers himself a bit of a “Dandy.”

  39. charles r. phillips says:

    Yankee Doodle went to town, a-riding on a pony, stuck a finger up his nose and called it macaroni!

  40. I’m trying to psychologically deal with Trump speechifying in Warren, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit that serves as a home away from home for several auto makers no longer a presence in the Motor City. I don’t need a long memory to recall that only recently tRump claimed that the auto workers on the assembly line were making too much money. Seriously, I can’t understand why anybody showed up at that non-event.

    And dammit when are these Klowns going to understand that they are auditioning for a job and so far I wouldn’t hire any one of them!

  41. Zyx, that’s quite an article, and I’m praying to the gods it’s wrong about a coming King Drumpf. It is very clear and direct about the corrupt state of American politics. This sums it up:

    “Cash flows to campaigns from people and donors; campaigns buy ads; ads pay for journalists; journalists assess candidates. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the ever-growing press corps tends in most years to like – or at least deem “most serious” – the candidates who buy the most ads. Nine out of 10 times in America, the candidate who raises the most money wins. And those candidates then owe the most favors.”

    Zyx, I kinda wish you’d kept this link to yourself. Kinda, but we must face these issues.

  42. e platypus onion says:

    daChipster-OT- has Alaska freshman wingnut Sinator Dan Sullivan moved back to Ohio? Haven’t heard a peep out of him since he carpetbagged his way to victory with Cleveland millions in Alaska.

    Zyx,no offense,girl,but were you aware AKM is now press secretary for Dem party in Juneau,about a snowballs throw from Alaska Pi? That is why she has been MIA from the mudflats.
