Lamar Smith – Total Nincompoop

August 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republican Congressvarmint Lamar Smith, whose district is drawn to look like a monkey riding a horse to insure his election, is pretty much one of those guys who is so slick that he can’t keep his socks up.  He’s chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

His goal in Congress this week:  to embarrass the President of the United States of America.


President Obama’s administration announced it would prioritize deportation hearings, taking the most serious criminal offenders first, rather than targeting those who are probably very nice people and just here illegally.

Lamar Smith pitched a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit about anything that reasonable.  He marched his prissy butt over to talk radio and hollered —

SMITH: As to what our recourse is, what we can do, we can do a couple things, at least in the House where the Republicans are in the majority. We can conduct hearings, oversight hearings, we can pull in administration officials, make them testify under oath, find out what’s going on, try to, frankly, embarrass the President and push back and get the American people on our side to push back against the administration.

So, here’s what I’m going to do.

Here’s the picture Lamar Smith uses on his congressional website and in official photos:

And here’s what he really looks like:

Embarrased, Lamar?

And that explains why he only goes on radio.

By the way, Lamar stopped his plans to have hearings on jobs to start this Embarrass The President of the United States of America Tour.

Thanks to Lorraine for the heads-up.

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