Lady Parts Justice

September 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, this certainly looks like fun for all you hooter toters out there.  I just reserved a free lifestream to watch.

Click right here.

The Golden Probe Awards – it look a little raunchy but certainly fun.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Lady Parts Justice”

  1. “Your V Matters! Use it or lose it!”

    JJ, what is this “looks a little raunchy BUT certainly fun”? I thought those went together, at least when it’s good raunchy. Few things are better than funny smut.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    OKAY! Now I understand that movie “V”. What… no?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    😀 Why settle for a monologue, when you can have the whole chorus? You rock ladies! With Samantha Bee, Wendy Davis, Jessica Williams among so many other greats to ‘salute’ the probes, can’t wait to hear who the nominees will be. The anticipation! Will Donnie receive more nominations that his running mate Mikey?

  4. Oh, and will we get to see the Probes personally hand-delivered to the recipients? Bend over, boys (and deserving girls), here it comes!

  5. Pollytiques says:

    Next stop….marking my calendar. I gotta see this. I am so old I have about forgotten what lady parts are intended for. But at least I used to know. Which is more than the repubs can say. Everyone needs a little refresher course even if I can’t be there to cheer them on.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Someone used to use a large V for WW2 films called Victory at Sea. Am I close?

    I had a vasectomy. Does that count?

    I am almost a virgin again?

  7. Is V the new Piece sign? I’m thinking of the 60s Peace sign. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

  8. I”m sorry they didn’t look at the calendar and see that Rosh Hashanah starts at sundown on 2 October. I’ll be in temple that night and sorry to miss the fun.

  9. Hahahahahaha! This looks great! What a wonderful idea! Those women are so funny, clever and wicked smart. “The Golden Probes.” Oh wow. Sarcasm is the best.

  10. I checked out the Florida video. Woulda been hilarious if it weren’t all true.

    Fortunately, I voted against Rick [the P is silent] Scott. Twice. Unfortunately, it didn’t help. Maybe next time? Oh, that’s right, he’s term-limited out. So who’s the NEXT set of a**h***s I need to keep out of the governor’s mansion and the legislature?

    Those votes happen in non-presidential years, though. So we gotta get Dems to vote down here, goldarn it!

  11. GRRRAAAHHH%&^%^^&*%%(&$***&%*

    This is off topic: It doesn’t involve a “lady” either, Kellyanne Conway is not a lady, she may or may not have any “ladyparts”.
    Watching Meet the Press, Chuck Todd finally seems to have shown some backbone by ripping Ms. Conway a whole new lady part as she dissembles, diverts, deflects, and LIES at 8000 words a minute trying to defend her despicable boss, Donnie Dollars tRump.

    I got myself a neat, modern, widescreen LED 24″ TV a while ago, it’s nice, I like it, it’s quite adequate for my use.
    Sometime in the next 51 days I really really think I am going to shotgun it out the patio door and across the river.

  12. Sandridge –
    Chuck Todd did that?? Holy crap – the Age of Miracles is upon us!
    Still not enough incentive to get me to watch Meet the Press, but I’ll look for the clip.

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    Sandridge…. believe me… I hear you. I’ve been in a right blue funk the last few days with the DTs. So… to save my sanity I’m choosing not to watch. I mean why, right? DJT is not going to have some “road to Damascus” moment. The closest he came was that terse acknowledgement that Obama was born here and he still managed to stick in the lie that Hillz started the whole birther thing. He is the consummate psychopath and not worth my time. I’m voting Hillz so I’ll just enjoy myself til 11/8. And then what happens happens. Hang in there and don’t ruin your new tv.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Relax people. Do not permit the polls to discourage you. Polls can be manipulated. How a question is asked often determines the answer. Every question presupposes an answer. Donnie’s sudden ‘rise’ in the polls can be attributed to two of the biggest rat-fingers in politics: Kellyann Conway and Roger Aisles. “Debate prep” with Donnie is the shiny object to distract the media and us. Those two aren’t prepping Donnie for the debates; he’s incapable of learning. Meanwhile, the media is missing the real story – who is feeding the pollsters the questions?

    Dachipster, is my theory close?

  15. Um . . . this is confidential, right? Somewhere in my grad school psych program we tripped over how to rig a survey or if you prefer, a poll. We also learned how to target different demographics but it is easy to actually run out of such possible “lab rats”. Then it is OK to resurvey the previously surveyed only asking the question just slightly differently to encourage the right answer. Oh, me! I’m goin’ to Hell, ain’t I!

  16. I saw this on a t-shirt and I really want one:

    “Thou shalt not mess with women’s reproductive rights.”
    Fallopians 4:10.


    BTW, take a look on their website, JJ’s link above, and check the symbol they frequently use. It’s by the “Donate” button. I used to have a t-shirt with that on it. Rarely did anyone realize what it is.

  17. Debbo, it can get better than that. We need one with a photo of this 3D model of a … Is Mama listening? Okay, a really really important lady part that some benighted cultures do their best to chop off of girls, and if there’s a hell may they roast there for doing that.

  18. Kellyanne was on Bill Maher’s show. They have known each other for years but that did not prevent him from throwing punches. And she kept spewing the Trump line (lies). Cannot believe this woman has children! Also on Maher’s show was the great-granddaughter of Herbert Hoover. She was born and raised Republican but she can’t stand Trump or his posse. Kerry Washington was the special walk in guest. She schooled everybody on Trump! Reruns of his shows are available during the week.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    Rhea: To quote the stunning Delores De Lago, The Toast of Chigago (Bette Midler in the fish tail in the the wheelchair)… The question before us is “Where is her cli…”*

    *Well, see, her bottom half as a mermaid is fish, so…
