Ladies, Hike Those Ta-Tas Up High

May 01, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Kamala Harris.

If I ever commit a crime, please don’t let her prosecute me.


Oh my word, that woman knows which way the wind is blowing.

So today, all the women need to stand those ta-tas high in honor of her slicing and dicing a corrupt attire general.


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0 Comments to “Ladies, Hike Those Ta-Tas Up High”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    So, what did she do?

  2. fenway fran says:

    She was laser sharp in her questioning, and got Barr to admit that neither he, Rosenstein, or ANYONE in his office actually reviewed the underlying evidence in the Mueller report. I love this woman.

  3. Cheryl says:

    AND she did it in a tone of voice that made it obvious that he was stuuuupid and derelict of duty. Hirona was pretty sharp, too.

  4. Kamala Harris:
    Has President Trump or anyone in the White House asked or suggested that you open an investigation into anyone?


  5. LizzyMom says:

    Hirono sliced and diced him good too.

    Great day for sharp women!

  6. Lunargent says:

    Hell, l’ve seen Trump do it lots of times, right there on TV.

    Maybe not directly to Barr, though. He seemed to be trying to parse that part out when Harris moved on to the next question.

    Obviously, Barr knows what Trump expects of him, and was seeking a way to technically deny it without lying to Congress.

  7. My ta-tas are metaphorically hiked high. I’m at an age at which gravity has made it difficult, almost impossible, to do so literally. Three cheers for strong women of every age!

  8. Harris completely (in both a professional and nearly comical manner) ripped this criminal POS a brand new rectal orifice.

    Imagine…Harris in a live debate with the Rump.

  9. Senator Mazie Hirono held no punches back. It must gall the Republicants to no end that there are many women in the Democratic party that have bigger cojones than they do! Here’s looking at you Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham (and, it goes without saying Trump).

  10. Papa: No contest

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    Sen. Harris was great! The lawyer in her comes out and she gets the answers! Reserve a bit of congratulations for Sen. Hirono who told AG Barr what many of us were thinking!

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    Lunargent: no wonder Barr is refusing to testify in the House tomorrow. He doesn’t have that much blood left.

  13. maggie says:

    Papa, Trump in a live debate with Harris would look like this: she zings him one damn good and he whines, wanders the stage, grabs a flag and does that same old pity poor little me everybody is picking on me, especially the nasty bitch, stone her, stone her. And that is not a debate. That is a mental meltdown. Or in polite wording: decompensating and we’ve seen that way too often from this guy. In short, he would rip all the debate time away from her. She would get one good question in and thats it.

  14. Maggie,

    And Trump would try to physically intimidate Harris on the stage as he tried with Clinton. Too bad there aren’t any formal and air tight rules governing debate conduct and misconduct.

  15. ChilliGal says:

    And please, let’s not forget my Hawaiian Senator, Maizie Hirono, who did a great job when it was her turn. I was proud of all the women today, but these two were my favorites.

  16. maggie and Papa: Both right: Trump never “debated” Hillary; he just prowled around on the stage acting like a predator, and nobody called him out on it. He’d do the same thing to Kamala; it’s the only behavior he knows.

    It took me approximately 2 minutes of 1 debate for me to decide he is a monster. My opinion hasn’t changed.

  17. dobleremolque says:

    Oh Lordy! She should stamp “Harris 2020” on fish-gutting knives and offer them for sale in the campaign merchandise department!

  18. Fran seyer says:

    No BS accepted by Kamala……what a woman!
