Kiss Internet Choice Goodbye

November 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Dammit!

Former Verizon attorney, Ajit Pai, who is now chairman of the FCC, is rolling out plans to repeal the Obama era rule that treated internet service providers as common carriers (like cable and network television companies) under Title II of the Communications Act.  What does that mean?  That means that Comcast and other internet service providers can decide what websites you can see and what apps you can use.  They can also throttle the speed of your internet according to how much you pay.  No longer would telecommunications companies be required to provide everyone with equal access to the internet.  Even worse, Pai is also pushing rules that prevent the states from protecting consumers from predatory practices of huge internet service providers.  In announcing his plan he talked how repeal of net neutrality would free the industry from crushing rules that require them to treat you fairly.

Pai, who was appointed as an FCC commissioner after Mitch McConnell recommended him in 2012, was elevated to chairman by Donald Trump in January of this year.  He has since waged war on net neutrality ignoring the the cacophony of opposition from the public.  This is what you get when you put an industry lobbyist in charge of regulating the industry you represent.

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