Kinda Like a Miracle

July 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Straight from the Republican National Convention —


Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 3.32.33 PM

So I guess it’s true that Donald Trump had to dig up some speakers.


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0 Comments to “Kinda Like a Miracle”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Sounds as though they’ve noticed whose face is on the $1 bill, and are subtly reminding everyone what really speaks to Republicans.

  2. Hahaha!
    I thought Jesus was going to be top billed.

  3. I bet they’ve hired a George Washington impersonator to give a speech in character. Sounds like something you’d see at a high school assembly.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Incredible. Even the oligarchs and their snacilbupeR paid for representatives do not trust Donnie Drumpf, the crook among crooks. Yet Donnie’s base among the basest of the snacilbupeR base have some silly notion that either the RNC or Donnie will trickle down upon them with great wealth, “if only” the failed plans of their Saint Reagan are given one more chance.

    Sorry, Mama. wtf is all I’ve got on this latest st00pid.

  5. Perhaps George will talk to a chair?

  6. slipstream says:

    Great opportunity! While George Washington is in town, maybe Gilbert Charles Stuart could finally finish that portrait he’s been working on for a while.

  7. @PKM

    Please dont blaspheme the Ray gun. His “trickle up til it spews like a water hose’ economic theory seems to be working real well.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Lacking real, genuine people to speak at their opening, they resort once again to actors playing the part.

    Their billionaire entrepreneur is a business failure and liar, their fancy-pants politicians can’t give a straight talk for even a paragraph, and their true colors are white with pointy hoods, while their true values are selfishness, hate, and cowardice.

    I would feel sorry for them except their own rhetoric insists problems are the fault of the person who has them…so I will simply point out that neither Washington nor Lincoln would have them as a gift.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    The Return of the Talking Dead. Another zombie fest.

  10. MamaRose says:

    I wonder of the Republican’ts realize that Washington wasn’t a Republican. That back when he was Prezzie there were no such things as Political Parties. Probably not, as that requires them to open a book.

  11. AliceBeth says:

    MamaRose—They probably think that it says in the Bible that Washington was a Republican.

  12. Marge Wood says:


  13. maryelle says:

    Dead is better than the Drumpf.

  14. ‘Fraid Trump is going to have a serious case of wig envy!

  15. So instead of an empty chair they will have a chair with a little pile of dust on it?

  16. eyesoars says:

    I hope the scheduler is the same person who hired Stephen Colbert for the White House Press Correspondents Dinner.

    I wonder if Al Franken is free that evening…

  17. Somewhere in an alien but duplicate universe there is supposed to be another earth class planet peopled by carbon based creatures going through exactly what this planet is experiencing in every way. This might be the very best place to send El Donaldo who would have to cope with his twin. Imagine small hand Trump going one on one with small hand Trump. Both of them reality TV vets. Just imagine how the Pay for View would be set up on this one!

  18. Sancho Pantha says:

    Git out cher powdered wigs and pantaloons!
    High heels, pantyhose and try-cornered hats for all!
    Glenn Bleck will never be able to resist this Trump Shit Show.
    Crackpot Unity!
