Kind of a Big Deal
This is a pretty big deal.
The Christopher Steele dossier mentions a meeting between Michael Cohen (Trump’s lawyer) and the Russians between late August or early September 2016 in Prague. Trump and Cohen deny it and the Russians ain’t talking. Such a meeting, had it happened, would be the billowing smoke of collusion.
Well, McClatchy is reporting that Cohen’s cell phone pinged off cell towers in Prague in the “late summer of 2016” at the height of the campaign.
Incidentally, no visa is necessary to travel between Germany and the Czech Republic. And records of whether or not Cohen went to Germany around that time aren’t public. But the dope just could not resist making a phone call.
As more and more of the things in the Steel dossier turn out to be true, we may find out that Trumpp is withdrawing troops from Syria because of hookers and peeing.