Khizr Khan

March 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Late Sunday evening, Khizr Khan, who has been an American citizen for 30 years, was notified that his travel privileges are being reviewed.


He cancelled a trip to Toronto, where he was scheduled to speak.


I do not know whether to cry or to hit somebody.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Khizr Khan”

  1. If the WH can do this to a man who has been a loyal, law abiding citizen for 30 years, which American citizens will they target next?

    Sorry Momma for saying it this way, but this sh!t needs to stop…

  2. Wish I could say I’m surprised.

  3. I hope Mr. Khan takes them to court on this. I am sure the ACLU will take it on.

  4. slipstream says:

    The message here is pretty clear:

    If you criticize President Pussygrabber you should expect government retribution.

  5. That Other Jean says:

    I’d be in favor of “hit somebody,” if I could figure out who deserved it most, followed by a phone call to the ACLU.

  6. Chloe Bear says:

    This man and his family have suffered enough.

    No one should expect retribution from our country for speaking.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    I’m sure he did nazi that coming.


  8. oh my god. what next?

  9. Where are the activist attorneys to bring suit on behalf of an American citizen? How dare an Administration limit American citizens’ right to travel! In particular to a peaceful nation with which we share so much history and thousands of miles of border.

  10. lumpkin says:

    I’m a bit skeptical about this. Not suggesting Mr Khan is lying, it just seems implausible. Someone’s travel privileges are represented by their passport. Revoking someone’s passport requires that they’ve done something really bad. So, it’s a prank, someone in the government really overstepped or Mr Khan is being accused of a serious crime.

    Looking at the state department website, I think that if it’s for real, then likely someone is going to try gin up a case that he lied in his original citizenship application or that he has connections to a subversive group.

  11. lumpkin says:

    By the way, I checked the Ramsay Talks website a few minutes ago and they are still listing his appearance in their events calendar. News reports are attributing the statement to Ramsay and quoting them that the event is canceled.

  12. Maymoon says:

    I think everyone wants to say,I don’t believe it! But then we remember this is what real life has become. Anyone who does not fit the picture should be scared.

  13. I vote for hitting someone. Start with Orange Whore, then move on to Bannon, Sphincter, Conwoman, and on till there are no more filthy snacilbupeR faces. McTurtle and Lyin Ryan, Chapped Fitz of Utah and other spineless meatballs need to be included. The little Trumpkins too, but not Barron. He’s young enough he may be salvageable yet.

    If your arm gets tired from the hitting I’m sure recruiting help will be very easy. Very.

  14. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Lumpkin – if you find we’ve been tricked, please let me know.

  15. The NY Times reports it from Reuters

    but there’s nothing in the WashPost.

  16. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Something about this smells…. I can’t think of any instance where someone – in advance of a trip – gets a notice from a gov’t agency about their proposed travels being “reviewed”. Also, if he was in fact sent such a notice, then it’d be easy to produce it upon demand and tell just *who* was doing the review.

  17. Sandridge says:

    If there is an omnipotent deity of any creed in the universe, It is charging up a billion-volt lightning bolt, with a golf course at Mar-a-Pendejo, FL as the destination.
    I can wait for it. Smoking hole in the ground works for me (over too damn fast though, hey, It could sloooow it way down, It’s omnipotent…).

  18. Sandridge says:

    lumpkin @10,
    No passport revocation involved. Mr. Khan has just been ‘advised’ by someone, something, that he’s been brought under ‘suspicion’…of ‘something’.
    The implicit message is that if he leaves the US of A, on trying to return home he will likely be detained and hassled for a while, or be flat out denied entrance. You know, like finding a horse’s head in your bed.
    Then what? Would you risk that?
    I once used to freely cross both the Canadian and Mexican borders, to be stuck across them is a different scenario entirely.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. and Mrs. Khan are everything Americans should be, if we still believe in ideals. Donnie and his idiots will and should be hammered into the ground with everything our courts have to offer.

    I lack the words to apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Khan for the st00pid and thank them for the service and sacrifice of their son.

  20. Rosa Patlan Harris says:

    How much more injustice will this wonderful couple have to endure in the hands of trump and his nationalist band of ignorants? Enough! Basta!

  21. Sandridge@18: Then you are agreeing that it’s either a prank or someone really overstepped their bounds, both of which possibilities I pointed out. The only legal process which could result in the loss of “travel privileges” would be revocation of his passport. This process involves much more than a phone call or email from unknown sources. I’m inclined to think it’s a prank and Mr Khan, acting on an appropriate level of concern, considering the present political environment opted to err on the side of caution. I think we’re pretty much on the same page here.

  22. I’d like to thank the Trump Administration for always ensuring that our outrage can be kept white hot. And have these bozos never heard of videoConferences?

  23. Lunargent says:

    I’m getting damned sick of being ashamed of my country.

  24. Sandridge says:

    lumpkin @21,
    May be, I hadn’t really considered a prank, coming from a third-party or internal to the DoS.
    Certainly Mr. Khan wouldn’t just make up something like this, and I doubt his record is blemished, so he’s just being prudent.
    So I’m still gleefully anticipating ‘a billion-volt lightning bolt’ at Mar-a-Pendejo, sooner the better.

  25. Frankly, I bet I’m not the only one wondering when this was going to happen. After his appearance with Mrs. Khan at the convention and the R candidate’s reaction, I’m surprised that an Executive Order was not drawn up specifically for him. Vengeance is mind sayeth the Lord. Biblically speaking that is. But then CJ is Biblically illiterate.

  26. Cancellation announcement is now posted on the Ramsay Talks website as well as their facebook page.

  27. Marge Wood says:

    That is terrifying. Muslims are crossing into Canada illegally every day/night so they can get arrested and apply to be protected by the Canadians.
