Kesha Rogers Campaign Headquarters

June 02, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


As most of you know, we have a Lyndon LaRouche “Democrat” nutty lady running for Congress here. Her name is Kesha Rogers.

“The LaRouchers hate baby boomers, the Queen of England, Barack Obama, and weather,” Juanita reports.

“Kesha entered the race and crazy immediately went wholesale,” Juanita shakes her curls and grins.  “Keisha Rogers fancies herself a smarty pants.  Apparently, she has never looked around herself at the goofy people holding up her signs.  They make the Teabaggers look informed.”

More than once, Juanita has said that Kesha’s followers wear tin foil hats.

Customer Chloe reports that maybe those tin foil hats are doing more harm than good.

MIT studied it and reports that —

“…on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government’s invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason. “

“On the upside, maybe we could get them to tune into BP’s communications and see what batcrap crazy scheme is next,” Juanita hopes.  “Apparently, they’ve already heard something that the rest of us haven’t.  According to Kesha’s website —-”

May 25, 2010 — There is only one reason to explain the sheer and utter negligence and insanity of President Obama on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. As economist Lyndon LaRouche stated today, “The President is a traitor and a British agent.” This should be absolutely clear to everyone. The ‘B’ in B.P. stands for British and that is who the President is acting to protect and defend. This is shown very strongly with the President’s appointment of former World Wild Life Fund Director, William Reilly, to head up investigations on the criminal negligence of British Petroleum.

“Barack Obama is a British agent?  That’s very cool,” Juanita grins.  “Is he 008?”

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