Kentucky is Mighty Proud of Their Teen Brides
So, there’s Kentucky. You know, where a man’s gotta do what man’s gotta do and woman’s gotta get married at 16 years old.
Kentucky Republicans killed off a bill designed to limit child marriage. Anna know why? Because it’s damn anti-American to restrict what a parent can do.
As it stands, minors in Kentucky can marry at 16 or 17 with a parent’s permission and teens under 16 can marry with a judge’s permission. The new bill would change this to 18 but allow 17-year-olds to marry if they got permission of a judge and the age difference between the spouses was less than four years.
Parents with better things to spend money on than a 16 year old girl, can now marry her off to a predator or Kentucky’s version of Roy Moore, with only a signature.
Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.