Ken Starr: Sex Pervert
Back when Ken Starr was trying to impeach Bill Clinton for getting a blow job, my Aunt Bessie was flabbergasted. “Of course he lied about sex,” Aunt Bessie proclaimed, “that’s what a southern gentleman does.”

Ken Starr and Friend
The next time I heard about Ken Starr, he had been named chancellor of Baylor University. During his tenure, a scandal broke out. Baylor went deeply into debt for a fancy new football stadium and drafted hot shot players right out of high school. Sounds like a plan, right?, because the hot shot players started winning and filling the expensive new stadium.
One small problem. Some of the best players began raping Baylor coeds. In a 2017 lawsuit, victims suing the university alleged that from 2011 to 2014 at least 31 football players committed at least 52 rapes. All the adults at Baylor refused to do anything about it. They allowed it to continue.
The buck stops at Ken Starr’s desk. I guess if Clinton had just been a football player instead of president.
So, today when I heard that Trump named Ken Starr to his defense team, I knew for a dead certain guaranteed fact that there is a pee-tape.
Mark my word – it’s real. However, at this point, it may be the least disgusting thing that Trump has done.