Ken Paxton Going National

February 26, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, it’s finally, damn finally, time that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s antics are going national.  I gotta tell you that he’s been a thief and a liar since before he took office and the entire Texas Republican Party seems very proud of that.

Paxton knows he can get away with anything so he gets more brazen as the days, months, and years pass.  It is not going to get better until he gets national attention and even then George Santos is living breathing proof that even that doesn’t work all the time.  Republicans have turned illegal shenanigans into an art form surrounded by pride.

Stock fraud isn’t sexy. So, he’s walked around with that stinky crawfish in his back pocket for seven – 7! – years without ever seeing the inside of a courtroom.

But, finally we have sexy.

So, now it’s up to the taxpayers to finance his crime.  We have gone into cahoots with the Texas Attorney General to finance his crime syndicate.

Rumor has it – and I emphasize rumor – that Paxton has used the investigative branch of his office to gather dirt on both the Governor and Lt. Governor, mainly hanky panky with the power grid, and they know it.  He can walk on water at this point.

Sadly, we could have beat him this election but Texas Democrats totally screwed up in the primary and elected a candidate who had no chance of winning in November instead of a candidate who had a damn good chance.  Sometimes I want to take Texas Democrats down by the river and baptize them in the holy name of good sense.

Well, that’s my say for today.


0 Comments to “Ken Paxton Going National”

  1. Too much of the Democratic Party’s organization is controlled by people still traumatized by “Dukakis in a tank” fears. It’s not the 1980s any more – people have figured out that tax cuts for the rich trickle down to offshore tax havens – not to the rest of us.

    Putting the Old Guard’s buddies in charge isn’t working. It’s time for the Democratic Party to let people who win elections gain control of the party apparatus.

  2. We gave up on the Texas Democratic party before Kennedy challenged Carter in the primary. It is the biggest bunch of do nothings ever. Then there are the progressives in Texas who would rather poison the well, than cooperate. It’s a lost cause.

  3. We feel your pain, Ms. JJ and Democratic Texans. Momentarily blue Nevaduh has returned to its bruised purplish condition because a lackluster Democratic chairperson failed to get behind her candidates. Lordy. Previous Governor Sisolak literally saved lives along with the Biden administration and our National Guard. As a tourist state we were dying in droves, until they took over from the tRump maladministration and expedited covid vaccinations. Yet our chairperson couldn’t ignite the facts to re-elect Steve. Then also failed to oust Amodei (R-NV02).

    Sadly, not just Nevaduh and Texas. ***If only*** a few more Democratic chairpersons had political common sense we wouldn’t be suffering Qevin McQarthy herding a band of morons in the House.

  4. By golly, I've got it says:

    I’m old enough to remember when Texas Democrats were more “populist” than “progressive”. Good, bad, or indifferent….I miss them. Where is Jim Hightower when we need him?

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    If it wasn’t for ignorant GOPers who keep re-electing him, I’d think he has the negatives hidden away and shows Abbott et al the photos every so often to keep them in line! What does he have over the Texas GOP?

  6. It actually looks like Trump will be indicted in Georgia. Once that hits, Paxton and the rest of his ilk should start sweating. They just wouldn’t be safe anymore from competitive prosecutors no mattert where they lived.

  7. Lord, I’m getting old. As a recent addition to the Texas voting rolls, I called Paxton’s office about some outrage of the day crap he was spouting. The person who answered the phone in the AG’s office was appalled about it. I can’t remember right now what it was about, but when the people in Paxton’s office are appalled at what he’s spewing, you’ve gotta wonder just what is going on there all day.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    By golly @ 4: Jim Hightower is still alive and kicking. He has a newsletter, and you can order a dead tree version delivered via snail mail to your home:

    It provides useful ideas and organizations to support that are populist and progressive.
