Ken, Ken, Ken

April 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When people think your state attorney general’s first name is Beleaguered, you’re probably in Texas.

ken-paxton-mugKen Paxton, our Oh-I-Love-Jesus beleaguered attorney general, is under indictment for stock fraud, has the SEC chasing him with a lasso, and has now been caught good-ole-boying one of his former employees.

The state is paying thousands of dollars in salaries and benefits to at least two former high-level staffers in Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office who haven’t worked there for over a month.

Charles Roy resigned as first assistant attorney general March 9 but remains on the state’s payroll. He received his full month’s salary of $16,220.62 on April 1, according to the state comptroller, and remains on the payroll as an employee of the state even while working a new job for a national political committee.

They are now trying to convince everybody that Roy didn’t resign, he is just on “emergency leave.” If that is true, I need me some of that emergency leave because ….

“Roy resigned on March 9th. He is currently on emergency leave through June 10th,” spokeswoman Cynthia Meyer said late Thursday.

If Roy’s arrangement continues until then, he will make $48,660 for the three months of emergency leave.

The agency at first offered no further explanation of the reason for the leave. When asked to clarify the emergency, Meyer said: “I’m not sure the answer.”

Roy went to work at another job on the day he resigned and a replacement was hired the next day. But he gets emergency leave?

His new job? “Roy took a job as executive director of a super PAC supporting Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign.”

But, Roy has company.

Former communications director Allison Castle left the agency March 10, according to media reports. But, like Roy, she remains on the payroll. She was paid her full monthly salary of $12,825 on April 1.

To fill her job, Paxton hired the minister of his mega-church. Yeah, it’s a Baptist church. I suspect he knows that Paxton is going to hell.

Thanks to Sheree for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ken, Ken, Ken”

  1. What more could anyone expect from a piece of plasma totally without soul?

  2. Maybe the Texas Rangers (no NOT the AL West leading baseball team!) should investigate influence peddling centered at Prestonwood Baptist Church. Far too many elected officials attend that church and go on to hire their church buddies into their political offices and etc. Smells a bit fishy.

  3. I’ve heard of maternity leave, medical leave and family leave, but there is no such thing as political leave. The Texas taxpayers should be storming the capitol!

  4. So, let me get this straight….giving money to the poor. Bad. Goldbricking, good.

  5. Carol nailed it.

  6. Texans are getting more open about their crimes. No need to hide when lots of people are in the game.

  7. Sam in San Antonio says:

    If he was that close to Cruz I suspect the emergency leave is based on mental problems.

  8. What is wrong with you people in TX? Why aren’t the citizens protesting the miss use of funds? They should be pounding on the Governor’s door demanding that these funds be repaid and that Kenny Boy be made to quit the position NOW and be thrown in jail. You deserve the politicians you get because you don’t give a damn. Buck up TX and start cleaning house and demand better from the pols. Kick the losers out and replace them.

  9. the citizens of this state have not had a good result with more recent phony generals

  10. They’re just not even pretending anymore, are they? Right out there in the open like nobody cares. Because apparently not enough Texans do care.

  11. How sad because that is exactly what they are hoping that people don’t care. The citizens deserve better. Where is the ground game where pastors could get the people out and demand better. Where is some good organizer at the grass roots to get the different churches and college students and the working poor out there like in NC where on Mondays they have people come to their capital to protest. Surely TX has people that can do that. I joke about TX but I know they have good people. Juanita you know people get them out there. You have a great sense of humor with a cutting bite. Take charge girl.

  12. Mark Schlemmer says:

    My goodness the corruption does flow down like rain in Texas. And to think of the “holiness” of so many of your Republican
    politicians!! My, my, my. I’ll have to look and see if the Grand Poobah of all that is Moral – Glenn Beck himself – has these stories up on his website. Without the fine people at this Beauty Salon I don’t think these true to life tales would see the light of day. Y’all deserve a Pulitzer! Serious . . . .

  13. A bunch of Scott Walker’s minions did jail time for this payroll arrangement. Of course the boss skated and ran out to buy the State Supreme Court to prevent a repeat.

  14. Elizabeth Moon says:

    A side issue, but one that needs pointing out: the female goldbricker’s pay is just 79% of the male goldbricker’s pay.

    Though together they are paid 100% more than they’re worth for not working. As a taxpayer, I want that money to go to case workers in child protective services.
