Keeping It Classy

May 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

At a Florida GOP meeting, one of their United State Senate candidates showed how classy the GOP truly is.

Speaking about President Obama, he said to applause from the crowd …

“Unfortunately, for seven and a half years this animal we call president, because he’s an animal, OK — seven and a half years, has surgically and with thought and very smart, intelligent manner, destroyed this country and dismantled the military under not one, not two, but three secretary of defenses,” he said.

You can hear it for yourself.

Thanks, Trump, for leading the way.


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0 Comments to “Keeping It Classy”

  1. Carlos Beruff. No Carlos be stoopid.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Names they got. Solutions-not so much. Because of Drumpf’s bombast, it is only going to get worse as far as political rhetoric goes.

  3. maryelle says:

    Racism is very much alive and well in RKlan.
    At least he says the Prez is a smart animal, unlike most of his ilk who are morons.

  4. This is really starting to get me down. I may have to do as I did during the late 60’s and 70’s, tune it all out. Netflix in the Family/Children/Comedy/Classics will see a lot more of me.

  5. publius balonius says:

    This guy has been running ‘I hate Obama’ ads in Florida for a month or two. Late at night on the side channels where ads are cheap. Pure dee troglodyte!

  6. UmptyDump says:

    But if Obama were white, he wouldn’t be an animal, hmmm?

  7. “this animal we call president… has surgically and with thought and very smart, intelligent manner…”

    Please! Tell me more. Did he get a brain implant from a border collie, the most intelligent breed of dogs? Or perhaps a wolf, still wild & free? Genetic modification? Just a few more details and I can get a running start on my sci-fi spec script:

    Precedent Obama; Leader of the Pack

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ungrateful wretches forget the mess Dubya left and the heavy lifting President Obama has done to restore us to an even keel. If the snacilbupeR had an ounce of decency, they’d thank President Obama. If they had an ounce of sense, they’d realize we need at least another 8 years of Democratic leadership before we can afford another nacilbupeR at the helm. Actually, it’s more like 16 or 20 years before we can afford another nacilbupeR economic downturn.

    Meanwhile, Shelly, Davy and Chuck are poring on the Heritage and ALEC negative ads. Here in NV, the negative attacks on Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto are really obscene and loaded with lies. Harry Reid needs to bring his retiring butt back to NV and campaign for her. Instead, he’s acting like an idiot and supporting Patrick Murphy in FL. Harry, stay away from Debbie WTF Schultz, come home and support a Democrat.

    More defense spending? The MIC is already over 50% of the national budget. Until they can give a full and accurate accounting of the money they do receive, reduce their budget to something they can track.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    I believe this dude is running at one percent … even the people polled don’t think he has anything to offer. Just more of the sludge the GOP has dredged up from the bottom.

  10. I don’t think I’ve heard the last of this, but in June 2014 SCOTUS “ruled unanimously that a group may challenge an Ohio law that prohibits making ‘false statements’ about candidates during a political campaign.”

    Yep, outright blatant lies during the course of a political campaign may be just fine… unless of course you think an informed electorate is important to a democracy. Not sure how they feel about the disgusting racist remarks.

  11. ooooooohmygawd! Would somebody please volunteer a donation to buy this guy’s parents a wedding license?

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    Senate candidate Carlos Beruff was born in Miami, but he claimed to be born in Cuba on Manatee voter form

    Or just Google the following:
    Beruff, Cuba, Vote

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, too late for birth control, eh?

    Rhea, SCROTUS has already ruled on racism. It doesn’t exist. Now I want medical proof from John Roberts that he wasn’t suffering a seizure when frothed out that ruling.

  14. two crows says:

    Well, yes. President Obama is, indeed, an animal. As am I. As are you. As is Beruff. And so what?

    What Beruff decidedly is NOT, however, is intelligent. As President Obama is. As I’m betting you are. As I hope I am.

    How do I know? It’s a very simple test, really. I’m betting that President Obama has never, since the age of 9 or so, said the words, “Secretary of defenses.” Or “Secretary of States.” Or “Attorney Generals.” Or “daughter-in-laws.”

    And then here’s the final point of proof: President Obama is President of the United States and Beruff is not.

  15. I don’t know what to say about guys like this. He knows Obama is not running against him for Senate, right? And he knows Obama’s not running for a third POTUS term, right? So what’s the point of crafting your message to be anti-Obama? The President’s going into an active semi-retirement in January, 2017. Unless of course he isn’t. Maybe we start addressing him as Former President Mr Justice Obama. How would that work? I haven’t read how it was handled for Taft.

  16. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Given the number of my high school classmates who continually post material that has similar themes, I was not surprised to learn that political craziness has resulted in children estranged from their parents (or vice versa).

  17. Dirty racist scum snacilbupeR.

  18. WallyinFl says:

    I don’t care about being classy. My Dad didn’t spent 25 months in North Korean Prison Camps, Camp 6, to see some delusional fool be a serious canditate for the Presidency.

    Trying to be nice but so called human beings don’t seem to grasp what it is to live in the reality based world.

    It’s boring and sad that so many supposedly intelligent people can be so uninformed to actually support a party and nominee that will do nothing but make things worse for them. I guess I,m missing something.

  19. two crows says:

    @ JaneE: Somewhat off-topic here but what the hey [bowing in Momma’s direction.]
    I’m with you, Jane.

    For years, now, I’ve recorded All in with Chris Hayes and The Rachel Maddow show back-to-back to watch later in the evening. Five nights per week. Every night excluding holidays. For years.
    As of this week, though, I’ve booted All In from my recording list until after November 8. When a show spends over 75% of its time covering Hair Drumpf 5 nights per week, I’m sorry. I simply will not watch it any longer. That’s too blamed much of my time that I’ll never get back. Too much.

    I’ll be back a few weeks into November after Chris has finished dissecting the election and how it all went wrong for Drumpf.

    Of course, if He Who Must Not Be Named actually wins the election, I’ll never be back. Sorry Chris. But then, I may well be lighting out for Bonnaire or Curacao and I’m not sure the teevee there even carries All In anyway.

  20. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Speaking of things we’re tired of, I’m tired of people who say they’ll run away if their candidate doesn’t win.

    Never mind that there are people on the other side I wish WOULD run away (some of whom I’d buy the plane ticket for), this whole meme of “If I can’t have my way I’ll just leave” is not an appropriate attitude for any citizen who claims to care about the nation. Because that way lies certain defeat. Stick your hooves in the muck, lay your long donkey ears back, and stay put, win or lose.

    If Trump wins, I will stay right here and continue to raise my voice against the GOP. They can shut me up by shooting me, but they’re not getting me out of MY country.

  21. At least he can count to three. Kinda brings to mind a former Texas governor who had trouble with that concept.

  22. That’s an awfully mature and considered viewpoint. You will be re-educated if you don’t stop with it!

  23. I seriously don’t know what is in the water in Florida. My parents came down as Democrats and now they both are planning to vote for Trump. My last conversation with my mother was a a bit if a shocker. She couldn’t understand why Palin is not in the picture more as she is very articulate and intelligent.

  24. When I heard this I recognize that he is trying to say Obama is sub-human–but I actually respect the Native American Spiritual beliefs of animals (who are more in touch with the Great Spirit) are better than men in general. I don’t like the colonial Europe imperial attitude of hierarchy. The biologist in me also went, “of course he’s an animal, we all are. Now if you called him a fungus that would be a lie.”

    EMoon, for the most part I normally agree with your position. I see the “temper tantrum mentality” of moving away as ugly and I agree you should move away because you are not adding value.

    But I have to admit, this is the first time I’ve ever started thinking along those lines: about where I might relocate. 1) If America votes Trump in, I don’t think I want to be associated with America anymore. We will have definitively put the “Ugly American” stereotype front and center. 2) I honestly believe Trump will be extremely destructive to our country and its relationship with just about every other country in the world. Again that makes me want to disassociate.

    This is not the child’s reaction basically of a temper tantrum to try and get my own way. It’s a serious concern about where I want to be when anger and violence, bigotry, and the like becomes the norm in these lands.

    I do admire your stand. Just realize not everyone is saying the “move out of country” in a childish way or for childish reasons.

  25. EMoon, some of us are just passed being able to fight for what is right. Some of us are not either mentally or physically able to fight any longer. It is difficult when you reach a certain age to keep up the good fight and you just need to get away from it all. Some people just give up in place, cancel the paper, stop watching TV and avoid political conversations because hearing what it happening makes them ill. We’re all different, and I’m thankful for that.

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Takes one to know one.
