Keeping It Classy, Greg!
Texas Attorney General and Gov Wannabe, Greg Abbott, has signaled that he’s taking the high road in this race.
Less than a month after boosting a tweet that called State Senator Wendy Davis “a retard,” the Abbott campaign is doing the limbo under the good taste bar again.
Today they are calling her “too stupid to be Governor.” Now, this in in comparison to Rick Perry, mind you. Dave Carney is Abbott’s top political adviser.
The Executive Director of the Texas Democratic Party, Will Hailer, issued a statement.
“It’s clear that Abbott’s advisers are following a strategy of offending every woman voter in the state of Texas. A woman who worked her way from a trailer park to graduate from Harvard Law School with honors is anything but stupid. Women throughout the state know what it’s like to have their intelligence ignored and made a joke. It’s never been a good idea to mess with Texas women. And come November 2014, the women of Texas will make clear that the joke’s actually on Republicans who find it okay to reference such a hard working and smart woman as stupid.”
No shoot, Sherlock. Thank you, Mr. Hailer.
In this case, stupid is what stoopid did.
Betcha Wendy could remember all three of the points she wanted to make – and would never say “oops”. Betcha Wendy would never go hunting at a place called N####r Rock. Betcha Wendy would never advocate for Texas to secede. Betcha Wendy knows what century we fought the American revolution. Betcha Wendy knows when election day falls on the calendar. Should I go on?
1Ted Cruz received his law degree from Harvard also. So is Carney going to apply the same “stupid” label to his Teddy?
2I plan to vote for Davis and Van de Putte. It annoys me no end that the front page of the Austin American Statesman had a big front page article about the four Republicans running for Lieutenant Governor but no mention of Van de Putte. Well, I should say, I saw the front page, didn’t get past that.
3Ya’ know, that picture of Carney just about says it all.
I just had to go and look to see who in the heck this guy is and learned that he is an “avid scuba diver!!” (
Dear Lord, he better not go diving near the Asiatic Sea he just might get harpooned.
4You gotta remember — Republican Speak enunciates opposites. Republican ‘Up’ is actually down Republican ‘right’ is actually wrong. Republican ‘honesty’ is actually crooked as a bolt of lightening. Republican ‘victory’ is actually defeat. Republican ‘stupid’ is actually smart.
5All you have to do is watch a few minutes of Cruz, or Bachmann, or Rand Paul or Cuccinelli, or Jan Brewer, or Steve Stockman, or Steve King, or your boy Louie to figure that out.
@Marge Wood
I think one reason the Austin American Statesman didn’t have Leticia Van De Putte is because she hasn’t announced that she is running.
6Now the normal rule of holes is to stop digging when you find yourself in one
7The Republican version is to not only keep digging but to bring in help and break out the power equipment.
When they don’t have any ammo, they start throwing their own poop.
8The truly stupid cannot see their own condition, but they seem to relish the taste of their own foot.
9Hey, Wendy for instance is light years smarter than Dew-dew who couldn’t even tell time!
10Clearly, Wendy Davis is smarter than the entire Texas Republican Party.
11The Party of Dubya and Perry has the nerve to say someone is too dumb to be governor of Texas? I’ve rounded up dustbunnies that were smarter than those two.
12When it comes to the Republicans, Ron White said it best:
“You can’t fix stupid.”
13@Mike – maybe the Republicans will dig so deep they reach Hell. Then they will find their true home. We can only hope.
14Let’s ask Bobby Jindal about the “party of stupid”. They continue to make his case for him day after day.
15The description of Abbott as Rick Perry With A Mean Streak is obviously taken as flattering. This gubernatorial race is going to be nasty.
16Gerg, the only time they open their mouth is to change feet.
17I’d like to think Hailer is right, but I run into a lot of women who think Wendy is the devil incarnate. They scare me! It wouldn’t be so bad if they would find some factual information, but we know how that goes.
18@ Steph in Arl, who needs facts when you can get religion instead?!
19Nothing scares right-wing authoritarian men more than a smart tough woman: Wendy, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, Jennifer Granholm — these sharp, capable, educated, accomplished and attractive Democratic women scare *Sheer-Unholy-Hell* out of conservative Republican men. I’ve seen it time and time again. This is gonna be *some* governor’s race if Wendy runs, and even more so if Leticia runs with her as LG. Right-Wing men are gonna bring the disgusting, vicious, misogynistic words and deeds out like nothing we’ve seen. But I also know that Wendy, Leticia, and every other smart, kickass Texas woman is up to the task! Go, Wendy!
20So true, Aggieland Liz! That is the common factor amongst the lot.