Keeping Count

February 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

  1. Michael Flynn
  2. Michael Cohen
  3. George Papadopoulos
  4. Paul Manafort

HEADS UP:  These are just the ones who have been adjudicated specifically about the Russians.

That right there is a list of Trump aids and campaign surrogates who have lied about contacts with Russians.

Anybody wanna guess #5?  Roger Stone, Don Jr.? Brett Kavanaugh (no, wait, that’s the who lied about beer list)

I dunno about you, but this is looking kinda suspicious. You know, like (1) they are all lying about the same damn thing, (2) they all must have felt pretty confident in getting a presidential pardon, and (3) they are all members of the white males crime syndicate mixed up with Russians.

And then just to add a little fun to the mix, Andrew McCabe, former FBI director, “took copious notes.”

Former FBI assistant director Greg Brower told MSNBC on Thursday that he worked “closely” with former acting FBI Director Andre McCabe, saying the author of the latest inside look at President Donald Trump’s administration took “copious notes” about everything he did, and that he fully expected more bombshell revelations to come.

You know for a dead certain guaranteed fact that somebody went in there with a wire.  You know it happened.  Thelma’s already warming up her hearing aid for that.



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0 Comments to “Keeping Count”

  1. Who started the collusion beach ball bouncing? All thanks to to Andrew McCabe.

    “I was very concerned that I was able to put the Russia case on absolutely solid ground in an indelible fashion that were I removed quickly and reassigned or fired that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace.”

  2. 5. Richard Burr
    6. Mitch McConnell
    7. Devin Nunes

    The Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, Trump campaign advisor, and apparent assistant to Old Scratch McConnell’s efforts to keep Russia’s role in electing IQ45 from the public. Remember what we know now, President Obama attempted to share with us in a bi-partisan fashion that Mitch rejected before the 2016 election.

  3. Not only were they lying about the same damn thing, if it hadn’t been nefarious there would have been no need to lie.

    All the news commentators and the experts they invite on their programs agree, it’s not newsworthy for people in an incoming administration to contact heads of state of both friends and foes. It’s done all the time.
    The red flag here is the FACT THAT THEY LIED. And the fact that Manafort and everyone else at that meeting in the cigar bar LEFT BY DIFFERENT DOORS.

    Why lie if they weren’t up to no good? Why act as if they weren’t together if they weren’t up to no good?

    Fortunately, Mueller is asking those questions for us.

  4. You know that little pin they wear on the lapel? Whether it is a flag or anything else, its just big enough to be part of a wire. The Congress critters have to wear that pin whenever they are in D.C. The others also have flag pins. There just might be a big pay-off for us ordinary citizens if all that male accessorizing actually works.

  5. That angry child meme is now firmly set in concrete. A category five hissy just broke out of furious twit tweets and incoming artillery from the web. Thou doth protest waaay too much, junior!

  6. @maggie

    so long as the target carries an insecure mobile phone, covertly controlling the mobile phone’s microphone is a fairly simple act. Recording nearby conversations also offers no significant tech challenges. Not that the average 3 year old could do it, but prolly most to all mobile phone attackers can do both effortlessly. A well-funded group just does it more frequently or for longer time periods. I’d count the FBI as “well-funded”.

  7. Micr#6

    The Never Say Anything listening group is well funded, too.

  8. @Papa
    So true.

  9. Declare bogus national emergency – state that in time of “national Emergency” (bogus or not) the executive branch canNOT of “partisan snipe hunters”(their words not mine) harassing them so he shuts the mueller investigation and demends all records be deleted.
    It kinda worked in Wisconsin – A case study of how a state overcomes a purposely partisan ideological judicial branch. Like to see it.
