Keeping Ahead of the Cynical Curve
No matter how cynical I get, it’s hard to keep up.
Today I got to see how my Medicare dollars are being re-routed to Ted Cruz. Ted’s SuperPac, ironically named Stand for Truth, revealed on Sunday night that they had raised $2.5 million.
A hunk of that money came from one family and it’s a family who had never been large political donors before. The Petras family owns assisted living facilities all across the country.
Tax cuts for the rich are a glorious thing and spending a little money to keep a bunch of money is just how business is done.
But in this case, I suspect that they would like to see HHS oversight of assisted living facilities eliminated, reduced to the barest possible minimum , or, horrors, turned over to the states.
So, if you want grandma in an assisted living facility with no oversight, Ted’s your guy! Make American Filthy Again!
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.