Keep Digging, Greg Abbott, Keep Digging
There’s a California company who has taken to building survival shelters.
A Southern California company is building luxury survivalist bunkers complete with wide-screen TVs, plumbing, and bunk-beds. They start at about $65 thousand dollars and that doesn’t include the cost of digging a big enough hole.
The above mentioned survivalist bunker must be placed 20 feet underground, and California, where they are made, won’t let people put them that far underground there. So the guy who builds them says he’s coming to Texas, where we are good at digging holes.
Hey, the big enough holes all over Texas problem is solved because we got a guy digging himself holes all over Texas – Greg Abbott, the guy who wants to be Governor in order to dumb-down the lofty intellectual perch that Rick Perry built.
Here ya go. Here’s a new one. Do you wanna know why we need voter ID in Texas according to Abbott? Obamacare.
Yep, Obamacare.
Here’s his reasoning: Since 2004 when he took office, he has prosecuted only 4 cases of voter fraud that voter ID would have stopped. Abbott’s office has looked at 66 people on charges of voter fraud. Half of those cases involved mail-in ballots, which voter ID won’t bother. But, he’s only prosecuted 4 of them.
So why do we need to disenfranchise probably 200,000 voters in order to stop 4 illegal votes over 8 years?
Somebody keep handing Greg Abbott a shovel because he’s going deeper.
His theory is that in 2008 Al Franken in Minnesota stole the election from Norm Coleman by 225 votes. He, of course, can’t prove that, but his lips can form the words so he can say it.
Okay, we’re getting to Obamacare so hold on and stand back.
Had Al Franken not stolen the election, we would not have …. ta da! …. Obamacare.
There ya go. We need voter ID so as not to have Obamacare.
And at Abbott’s prosecution rate, it will only take 56 years to repeal Obamacare.
So, bring on the survivalist bunker because Greg Abbott will stand in your front yard and try to dig himself to China.
Thanks to TexasTrailerParkTrash for the heads up.