Keep A Lookout

May 29, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Scott has put together a pretty neat story.  Well, that’s not correct. It’s not neat, it’s frightening, but it’s neat how he put it together.

Last week, my hero Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, tweeted this:


GOP single issue advocacy group?  Hummmm.

So Scott started looking around for more information.  He kinda figured they had to be talking about the NRA.  That caused him to dig this out.  It reads like a spy novel.

The TL/DR version:  Spain has been investigating members of a Russian Mafia family that leads straight back to Donald Trump.  Okay, maybe not straight, but that’s what makes it interesting.

Alexander Torsion is one of the lead characters.

The formidable and powerful Taganskaya organization of which Torshin is allegedly part is recognized by the US and the EU information and intelligence services (including Europol and the FBI), according to the dossier about Torshin from the Spanish Civil Guard. Its activities include the appropriation of companies using violent or fraudulent methods, bank scams, extortion and the carrying out of contract killings.

He’s also a lifetime member of the NRA – yes, the American NRA – and is trying to form an NRA group in Russia.  And then …

During that visit to Washington, Torshin did have dinner with two Republican congressmen. The date was February 1 in a French restaurant, according to an article published in Time magazine earlier in March, and at which Maria Butina and a close friend of Trump White House strategist Stephen Bannon were also present.

Yeah, unnamed congressmen.  Hell, we don’t need no damn names.  We have names.


“From my cold, asset-forfeiture seized offshore bank account!”

Drain that damn swamp, baby, drain it.

Thanks to Scott for his work on this.

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0 Comments to “Keep A Lookout”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Mitch? Y’know I can’t get that gun out of your hand until your cold and dead. Ya wanna work with me here?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    JAKvirginia for the win! ROFL!!

  3. Let me get this straight: Russia,Spain, French restaurant. Two congressvarmints. I gather the latter covers both sides of the Hill. We seem to be seeing Russia everywhere and thats no joke. A version of NRA in Russia? Why? they have all sorts of nasty well armed people already running around. Now of all times they are after “legitimacy”? Next question: what two congressvarmints would not create interest when seen together cuz thats pretty much the way they are anyhow?

    Hey, this is getting better and better!

  4. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    missy has to preen and bluster like he’s a real man. Well he’s knot; he’s all tied up inside and conflicted in sooooooo many directions.

  5. That photo made me bust out laughing! OMG, it would take sooooooo much to make Chinless Wonder McTurtle ever appear macho. Maybe Pixar special effects? Pure cgi? He looks like a very scrawny 11 year old whose trying to emulate his NFL defensive lineman big brother. Hahahahaha!!!!!

  6. Bob Boland says:

    Do my eyes deceive me or is that fool brandishing a flintlock rifle? Or is it a musket?
    Old fool probably couldn’t load it if his life depended on it.

  7. Tilphousia says:

    This just gets better and better. Always knew Mcturd was a piece of filthy slime heading fast toward treason. He’ll do anything he thinks will give him money and power. What a sad empty sack! We must clean up this Russian mess if we want our country. And what the collaborators forget is that they will be the first flunkies thrown under the bus. Ask Kim Philby.

  8. The worst thing is that a lot of this was known before the election.
    Trump and his Russian buddies, the mafia friends.
    Where were our government agencies and the press before this madman was elected?

  9. That Other Jean says:

    Diane–I think the answer to that one would be “laughing at Trump and insisting that he couldn’t win an election for dog catcher.” But his insanity and attacks on Hillary Clinton made good copy, so he got a LOT of coverage–just not for the right things.

  10. oldymoldy says:

    That is a sad image. mcDurdle seems to simply be as un-self aware as the rest of the damn swamp.

    Re:the flintlock question, from wikipedia:
    The flintlock mechanism is a type of lock used on muskets, pistols, and rifles in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. It is commonly referred to as a “flintlock” (without the word mechanism), though that term is also commonly used for the weapons themselves as a whole, and not just the lock mechanism. It quickly replaced earlier technologies, such as the matchlock and wheellock and the earlier flintlocks.

    So, it looks pretty flintlocky to me. i suppose it’s supposed to give him some sort of original A2 cred. May be similar to the one Charlton Heston used in that ad we used to see him in lo those many years ago!

    I’d be willing to take a guess that “regular” citizens of Russia would be locked up or at least “re-educated” for belonging to subversive groups. especially US subversive groups, for instance the NRA.

  11. oldymoldy says:

    …the flintlock is the part of the gun that makes a like sparky thing, using a little piece of flint (duh) to ignite the gunpowder.

  12. oldymoldy says:

    now that i think about it i’m baffled as to why these boneheads insist on using this outmoded form of gun as their symbol. in light of the guns being sold in large numbers these days an AK47 would seem more fitting.

  13. Linda Phippss says:

    Looks like America’s number one Nasty Old Fart is brandishing a rifle in the Rotunda. I guess only normal people are scanned for weapons before they enter, right?

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Not if they know you.
