Kakistocracy – From the Greek
Oxford Dictionary Definition: Kakistocracy –
1[mass noun] Government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state:
‘the danger is that this will reduce us to kakistocracy’‘every government that has existed since the ancient Greeks has been a prime example of kakistocracy’- 1.1[count noun] A state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens:
‘the modern regime is at once a plutocracy and a kakistocracy’‘the man in the street must share part of the blame for allowing such a kakistocracy to entrench itself’
- 1.1[count noun] A state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens:
Early 19th century: from Greek kakistos worst + -cracy.
The United States is entering a period of kakistocracy; that is, government run by those least suitable or competent. It is the perfect definition of the slow motion train wreck we are witnessing since the idiotic election of Cheeto Jesus to the presidency.
After promising to “drain the swamp” in Washington, all we’ve seen so far is alligators and snakes being brought in by the truckload. It started with well known bigot and conspiracy theorist, Steve Bannon as chief strategist, along with career liar and partisan, Reince Preibus as chief of staff. Now Jeff Sessions as AG? This is the same Jeff Sessions who couldn’t get confirmed as a judge because of his history of racism and support of the KKK. Lyin’ Ted Cruz has also been to Cheeto Tower to kiss the ring. Deep Fryer Sid Miller (the current National Embarrassment of Texas) is also being considered for high office, which is terrifying. Add to that the giant basket of deplorables made up of every weirdo, conspiracy theorist, bigot, anarchist, and screwball for cabinet or senior WH positions one can imagine. The ONLY positive thing that has happened this week is that brain surgeon and village idiot, Ben Carson, has stated the obvious, saying that he was “too inexperienced” to be Secretary of Education. What’s hilarious is that he acknowledges this weakness after he ran for the presidency.
The chaos at Cheeto Tower and in DC are clear signs that this new administration will perfectly fit the definition of Kakistocracy: a government made up of ill suited and incompetent citizens. And this is happening as we watch helplessly from afar knowing the likely result.
How did this happen? Have the Earth’s poles reversed? After 8 years of one of the most well spoken and thoughtful presidents since FDR, society hasn’t suddenly turned upside down. No, gravitational poles haven’t swapped ends. What’s actually happened is that, through years of disaffection of the working class combined with the Democrats utter tone deafness and nomination of the worst candidate for the presidency since Michael Dukakis, Cheeto Jesus got elected to the most powerful job in the world. It was a massive vote against status quo. And that’s not the worst of it.
The worst of it is that he’s currently running his transition just like he will run his presidency: incompetently. He is staffing the White House with exactly the opposite of what we need. What we need is level headed, mature, and experienced staff. What we’re getting is the potential for 4 years of global chaos.
God help us.