Kaboom! Campaigning

January 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Disturbing thoughts from the Washington Post this morning.

“In private conversations, Trump has told advisers that he doesn’t think the 2018 election has to be as bad as others are predicting. He has referenced the 2002 midterms, when George W. Bush and Republicans fared better after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, these people said.”

So, he thinks that all he needs to win is for 2,996 people die in an inferno?

Which pretty much explains the weird woman who remembers that dirty words were said, but not the words themselves, being your pick for Homeland Security Director.  I dunno know, maybe it’s just me but I’m not sure about about a Security Director who lies so easily but so damn badly.

First off, yeah, Trump, I’m sure Putin heard you and will do all he can to help you.  However, now that you’ve admitted it, I don’t think it will have the desired results.

Second off, Trump, you’re a pig.

As Matthew Yglesias said – “I’m pretty skeptical that the political dynamics of September 2001 would be replicated today. But regardless, this is a frightening line of thought for an incumbent president and his team to be entertaining.”

No shoot, Sherlock.


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0 Comments to “Kaboom! Campaigning”

  1. That was probably the cleanest thought his brain came up with all day.

  2. I am absolutely convinced that if Congress had investigated Bush and Cheney in 2009, it would have destroyed the Republican Party. Obama wanted snacilbupeR votes for the ACA, though, so he announced that such an investigation was off the table.

    So, their continued existence gave us screaming tea baggers at Town Hall meetings, accusations of death panels, and a snacilbupeR sweep of the 2010 elections. Hard upon its heels came gerrymandering, voter intimidation and finally Orange Mussolini.

    If they know nothing else, they know how to manipulate the voter and the vote. I wouldn’t put anything past them.

  3. Well, we got what we wanted, a legitimate doctor’s report of Trump’s medical health and base cognitive ability. What we didn’t get was a psychiatric report.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Kochs pushed the Tea Baggers.
    Trump terrifies me.

  5. You remember this. This is what that was about.

  6. The 9/11 voting plan probably does sound like a good idea to Trump. Unless he hears the 2018 target is Trump Tower.

  7. Why the surprise? He ain’t goona leave without a fight. We know Trump has an insane addiction to power and attention and is dangerous and delusional.
    And we know Republicans will DO Anything to win and gain power.
    Do the math.

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    Soooo Trump know how to draw a clock. We already are suspicious of his 6 feet 3 inches and 239 pounds. On the moon, maybe. If anything, if this doctor passed him as being in excellent health, I hope his report will not put the president in danger for misdiagnosing his prospects. Or maybe I do.

  9. Twitter had fun with the doc’s report:

    6’3″, 239 lbs. There were many, many images of men weighing around 239 lbs next to Orange Whore. Riiiiiiight. He’s near 300 lbs if he’s an ounce.

    6’3″? Several images of Orange Whore standing next to a 6′ 1″ President Obama. Who was taller? Couldn’t tell, or President Shithole is just a little shorter.

    But you see, 6’3″ and 239 lbs puts him at 29.9% body fat. 30% is where clinical obesity starts.

    Just another day in the Lie of the Orange Whore deministration.

  10. Mary in San Antonio says:

    Debbo, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post has a good column up about tRump’s doctor’s briefing. He noted that the doctor said tRump’s health was “excellent” 8 times and also that he’s never heard a doctor make comments about a patient’s good genes. I know I never heard a bigger crock of you-know-what than this doctor’s report. Since when does a 71 year old man go from being 6’2″ one year to 6’3″ the next? Most people shrink as they get older. And if tRump is 239 lbs, I think they need to get the scale recalibrated.
