Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go To Jail

May 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Bundy Brothers, Ammon and Ryan, and their band of misfits aren’t taking too well to jail.  It seems that their little 41 day standoff with federal officials landed them a fistful of felonies and some time the pokey awaiting trial.

You will be shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that some of their constitutional rights are being violated in jail.  And holy cow, those fellas can whine.

They get more time in the law library, extra clean towels to knell and pray, special Mormon underpants, and, get this! “MCSO is willing to consider permitting inmates to have a solid-state device like an iPad” available in their cell.

But that’s not enough.  They want unmonitored and unlimited internet access and a damn gun.

Nope, I am not kidding you.


Ryan Bundy

“My rights are being violated. My right to life is being violated. All of my First Amendment rights are being violated. My right to freedom of religion is being violated,” Ryan Bundy wrote in a supporting statement. “My Second Amendment rights are being violated. I never waived that right. My Fourth Amendment rights are being violated.

Dude, you fought the law and the law won.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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