Just When You Thought He’d Gone Away: Zombie Tom DeLay

May 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Every single time you think he’s dead, he rises up again to call people names in his very Christian manner.

delaycigarTom DeLay says that Michelle Obama is promoting racism.

Yeah, it’s crazy.

Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay says Michelle Obama is promoting racism when she warns about the return of segregated schools across the United States.

“What she’s pushing for is racism. Michelle Obama and Barack Obama can’t do anything unless there’s a certain amount of race involved in it,” DeLay told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

“Frankly, we have improved our public schools all across this nation. We’re spending tons more money than we ever have,” he said Monday.

Honey, when you are reduced from the highest levels of the House of Representatives, to Dancing with the Stars, to the Steve Malzberg Show, it’s time to hang it up.

DeLay continues …

“But mostly around the country race has no part being played in our educational system,” DeLay said.

“They just want to keep that going because it just keeps people motivated to see their point of view, their world of view, and follow them right over the cliff.”

That’s not English.  That’s zombie-talk.  I am sure of it.  That’s “somebody ate your brain talk.”

Thanks to Chamlee for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just When You Thought He’d Gone Away: Zombie Tom DeLay”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Ya know, if anyone ever pops Tom’s bubble, he would suffocate from the truth.

  2. A few states may be spending more money but here in Oklahoma we led the nation in the most recent list of per student spending over the last 5 years – led, that is, in cuts in per student spending, over 20% less in inflation-adjusted dollars. Not a good way to be Number 1 in the nation, which OU football fans like to brag on when that happpens.

    As I remember that list, a few states were spending more but most were spending less, though mostly single digit percentages.

    And with all the people who want to cut taxes, at least on the rich, the money squeeze on schools will get even worse.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    When I read this I just went and googled koch brothers school segregation. Sure enough, the Kochs have been there since 2011. Another good reason to boycott Koch products and write letters about all their front groups.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    or you could google koch brothers tom delay school segregation and find a really good online article about how all these things rolled together produce not so good public schools: poverty, legislative policies, good neighborhoods, segregation. When I see payday loan places, which are popping up all over the place and not regulated in Texas, I think oh, that is bad news for neighorhoods. Sorry if I wandered some. Segregation increasing. Glad Michelle reads the paper.

  5. Tommy, I suggest you do a John Howard Griffin and get back to us on racism. I’m sure you have time to get started on that today.

  6. GOP mouthpieces never seem to go away– DeLay, Palin, Gingrich, Trump. If there’s a camera or a microphone within ten miles, they’ll trample their mothers to get in front of it.

  7. maryelle says:

    DeLay has mastered the art of denial and obfuscation. What Mrs. Obama described was the truth, reality, what is actually occurring.
    She isn’t causing it, she is describing it.
    Republicans and supporters of charter schools have caused the white flight and diversion of funds from the public schools. Any guess as to when the last time was that ole Tommy boy actually stepped into an inner city public school?

  8. Tons of money – OK I guess if we start funding with Pennies that might be true

  9. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It’s fairly evident that he hasn’t used any of his spare change down at the clue vending machine. But of course he never did get withing shouting distance of knowing his elbow from his backside — you can tell because you see him rolling up his sleeves as he walks to the rest room.

    If I thought he could read, well so much for recommending good books.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Good point. I doubt he or almost any of the other GOP legislators have EVER been inside an inner city public school, or possibly even a school in any affordable neighborhood.

  11. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Did his kids (if he had any) go to public schools?

    Are the Koch brothers behind NewsmaxTV – which is as far to the right as you can go, and still be on the page?

  12. RepubAnon says:

    It just goes to show – the folks being lynched were the real racists. Calling the lynch mobs racist was just being hurtful.


  13. OMG. This is the best the GOP can do? Maintain a collection of old wheezers and when needed just get them out of the closet and wind them up to sing the same old incredibly stupid tune? That’s not only sad. Its pitiful!!!!

  14. Marge Wood says:

    I gotta go run errands. Larry, let us know what you find out in your research!

  15. UmptyDump says:

    These guys still haven’t caught on that their verbal excesses are playing a significant role in the “disappointing” performances of the Tea Party and ultraconservatives over the last few days in several state primaries. Let ’em keep babbling. The voting populace isn’t buying their personal attacks, their delusional fabrications and their outright lunacies.

  16. Know what I’d like to hear about Tom Delay? That he & Dick Cheney went hunting together, and disappeared. It would get better if Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann & Louie Gohmert formed a search party and were all eaten by wild hogs. A girl can dream…

  17. Almost every state in the union has been forced to cut back on funding for K-12 and public universities. In the last few years, funds for public schools in AZ have been cut by 48%. Universities have had drastic cuts, and this has forced higher tuition rates (80.4% increase in the last five years). A lot of money earmarked for public schools has gone to charter schools, which are not held to the same standards as the public schools. Teacher’s are taking pay cuts, and pensions are being raided by state government.

    DeLay is full of it. Schools are being re-segregated by race and by poverty.

  18. Rubymay says:

    As always, Tom hasn’t the vaguest idea what he’s talking about. I’m dreaming with Skippy @ 16. Oh, if only it would be so!

  19. Kris Williams says:

    I think that those brown stretchy polyester pants must have leeched some toxic chemical into his bloodstream.

  20. Zyxomma says:

    Oh, nothing like an old white has-been man (and I use the term loosely) calling a prominent woman of color a racist. Yawn.
